[quote=Raineh Daze] Since... there's basically no room for character variety in this, and we've already got half a dozen samurai, I'm not going to be joining after all. There's just... nothing left to do. [/quote] [quote=CirusArvennicus] That's also why I wanted to make a foreigner. x:I mean, this is a fantasy setting, right? So fantastic things can happen. Including foreigners. Right? [/quote] Umm I'm sorry you feel that way but I mean I dont think character is defined by class? Its a Japanese roleplay so its based in Japan, I dont think its really fantasy more Japanese folklore so the world rules still apply. And I mean, no one is a spirit or anything like that, I dont think theres a lack of possible characters to create. And anyway even if we had thirteen samurai's that wouldnt mean they would all be carbon copies of eachother. If anything, Lillium has less character variety since everyone has to be a certain age and in school and the like.