There is some wonderment why the mods didn't just step in and shut this convo down; that answer is simple. We didn't see anything rules-violating with the conversation and also figured (rightly) that some people probably wanted us to do precisely that so they could chant 'fascist!' I mean, I suppose we could come off as petty tyrant dicks and just close down a conversation that is, at times, critical, but that would be, in my mind, counterproductive. We all have a stake in this community, and feedback is a good thing. We'd be delusional to think we're doing the job perfectly around here and there aren't things we can change. Discouraging that sort of talk is essentially a shot to the foot. So we didn't shut down the topic and it's doubtful we will, because it's good to see people that feel strongly on an issue. Besides, I have something to add to the fray, but I've been holding off on writing it until I could phrase it in a way that I felt okay with, rather than just venting on a keyboard. Personally, I've been around since 2009, and people keep saying that the Guild is slipping, the Guild is going down the tubes -- they were doing that in 2009, as a matter of fact. Hell, at one point in late 2009, I went to another community and stayed there for about nine months before I came -back- to the Guild sometime in mid-2010 after that community went sideways. I also sit in the IRC, the Chat, where there are some people with accounts since 2008 still hanging around in there, and so in a sense, I've heard the comments before -- the place isn't what it used to be, it's in decline, so on and so forth. Well, part of that is certainly true -- it's not what it used to be because some of the people are older, the ones that stuck around, and new people have arrived on the scene. We've flipped over staff a few times and mistakes were made, as were attempts to rectify those mistakes. We managed to make it through Guildfall on a shitty interim website that kept the community mostly together long enough for mahz to cobble together something in relatively quick time -- seeing as he was making his own software for the site in pretty record time here. We were getting a lot of that 'the Guild is dead' stuff then, too. Some of you remember those conversations, of course. If there was a time for the Guild to go down the tubes, that was most certainly it. I don't think the site is actually going down. And if we do face problems, they are not on the magnitude of what we faced almost a year ago. And if I might be so bold to suggest it, the people leaving are probably doing so of their own accord, not because they are being driven off. If they find something better elsewhere, more power to 'em, but just because they're fed up for whatever reason they're fed up doesn't mean that the Guild itself is in danger of dying out. Of course, that's not an excuse for any of the rest of the stuff that needs doing. Some of it is software, and that means it's mahz's ball. Some of it included gems of suggestions like "we need greeters" and perhaps more exasperating suggestions like, "We need to be kept in the loop" despite the rate of non-participation in the RPGN where we let anyone that wants to take a shot at it take a shot. (RPGN Update: I intend to get something going this weekend, but I've been out of it for the last couple weeks with a bilateral pulmonary embolism. You know, hospitalization, treatment for life threatening problem, aftermath of paperwork and insurance forms. We're always looking for volunteers-- I'm serious, it's like three of us doing it month after month. We cut it down to a monthly thing because the two week cycle was onerous given that it was three people.) One of the more serious accusations leveled is that we don't care about under-aged erotic RP -- it's actually something we do care about deeply, but if we don't hear about it, we have a hard time tracking it down. It's not sanctioned on this site, and we will do something about it if caught. Beyond that, the 'this site smuts more than the other site' business is silly -- Iwaku and the Guild may have differing policies on the smut, but the reality is that the smut will happen and we merely wish it to be kept in PM because we are trying to keep a site funded here. mahz mentioned the money thing, right? Well, now I'm mentioning it. I'm not sure what else to say. Does it sound trite to say that I actually think a loud, tumultuous conversation about the Guild's future is actually a good thing? I believe it is -- this place has problems because it's still kicking, and the arguments and disputes are a sign of health in the Alexis de Tocqueville sense. Those that are leaving are bid adieu, but based on my experience I also like to add "you are welcome back anytime you want to come back" rather than a "Hey, well fuck you and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out." I'll still be here, plugging away. I'm here to RP, after all. I'm glad people are sticking with this, but if you are one of the people heading out, let me wish you luck.