the young man's words and assurances did very little to comfort Rachel, though they were kind. He mounted and she slowly grew closer, shaking hands gripping the horse's back as she pulled herself up. She sat stock still there, absorbing where she was and what she was about to do, as soon as her mind processed it her arms snaked around the young man's waist. Her vice-like grip was tight enough to squeeze the life out of anyone, if anything that should've told Leo exactly how scared Rachel was. --- As soon as they landed Rachel unceremoniously slid to the ground, her knees buckling as soon as her boots touched the soil. She sat there having a nice debate with her stomach over whether to eject her breakfast or not. This was the sight Leo was greeted by when he asked the ironic question of "See, that wasn't that bad, was it?" She sat there on the ground listening to another young man give some kind of rallying speech. She couldn't quite see him as her view was blocked be her hood but she could hear him. As soon as her legs decided to not be jelly Rachel shakily stood, her hand on the Pegasus next her for support. She looked to where the voice was coming from to see a redheaded young man wearing the same robes as she was. Her companion was also watching the man's speech, afterwards he turned to her. "Look at that, another Tactician... You two wouldn't happen to know each other, would you? It would be a strange coincidence if you did." Rachel snorted and shook her head. "No I'm afraid not. It's not like there's a tactician school or something." Her companion then called out to the redheaded man. Rachel however was watching the villagers scramble about, the redhead guy seemed young, but at the very least he was able to put these people to task. "Well, it's about time I did something then." She muttered to herself as she turned to her companion and the other tactician.