Wren caught up to the village and reared back her horse, narrowing her eyes, and she began counting their enemy. As the number added up in her head, she heard horses galloping behind her, her fellow mercenaries joining up, while these men in the village noticed their arrival. She chewed her lip, but was arrogant enough to believe that they could take on all these green slated knights without issue. Wren glanced to her fellow mercenaries and a smug smirk danced on her lips, excitement brimming in her eyes. This was the part she was good at. Joachim let out their battlecry and raced off on horseback, but her short sword was not one that would fare well against other elements of weaponry better suited for horses. And so she slid off the beast quickly, leading it to the side of the fray and smacking it towards an opening into the group of men on foot. She could only hope the thing would trample someone before it was cut down. In the meantime, she drew her own sword, one of the knights on their horses rushing towards her. He probably thought she was an easy kill there on the ground, but it wasn’t like she’d never been the underdog in a situation before. She rocked back and forth on her feet until his mace came too close for comfort, and she ducked, sneaking under the horse with her blade plunging up into its belly. Her feet took her quickly out from under the thing as its guts began dangling about, an awful scream exiting from it before it fell with it’s rider. The man with a shield came rushing to meet her, though he stumbled a bit on his getting up. She grinned and lifted her blade, sparring with him rapidly. She hit his shied a few times… enough to annoy her, before her blade smacked his helmet with as much force as she could muster. He tripped at the blow, falling backwards and allowing the metal over his face to fly upwards and expose his frightened, confused visage. The blonde plunged her sword through his face, blood spraying upwards before she yanked it back out, another challenger slicing his sword down towards her arm. She laughed a bit at how his armor restricted his movements, slowing them to what seemed like a snail’s pace to her quick eyes. The metal of her sword overpowered his until she sliced downwards with might and sent his weapon from his hands. The stupid fool fell to grab it, causing Wren to grasp his helmet and tear it from his being. Another swing of her sword came as his fingertips barely laid hold on his weapon and his head had become separated from his body. [b]”A woman, eh?”[/b] a voice shouted in a laughing voice as a man came rushing towards her, seemingly amused. Wren just raised an eyebrow and nodded. [b]”The woman who will cut you down,”[/b] she said with seriousness, running towards him in return and letting their blades clash. This one was a bit more difficult and skilled, his leather armor allowing him the quick movement Wren used in her own techniques. She had no trouble keeping up with him, but his strength was more than hers on any day. She verbally growled, causing the man to smirk at her before she barely blocked a blow that sliced the side of her upper arm. It wasn’t much of an injury, but seeing her own red blood was never something anyone wanted to do to the girl. A rage began filling her eyes as she shoved his weapon back with her own, slicing at him milliseconds after her eyes would spot weaknesses in his defenses. While the cut had only renewed her energy, his was draining rapidly from blocking her, until he failed, and she ran him through. Breathing heavily now, she wiped sweat from her face with the back of her gloved hand. [b]”Pathetic,”[/b] she breathed, eyes looking up for her next target.