[b]Name:[/b] Yennefer McNeill [b]Age:[/b] 28 [hider= Appearance ][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/010/4/8/marion_du_faouet___edit_by_lowenael-d56qy6f.jpg[/img][/hider] She is short and dumpy for her age and her hair is very rarely unknotted, usually being tied back with a black piece of linen. [b]Personality:[/b] Yennefer is gentle and somewhat mild mannered but firm when she needs to be. She can calmly take control of a situation and very rarely loses her temper, these traits being products of being a doctor. She is empathetic and sensible but not necessarily kind or warm-hearted which in her youth meant that she blurted out her thoughts and made those around her angry. To counter this she has developed a very polite personality, always observing the most diplomatic way of saying things. She has found it the best policy for her life in general. However this does not mean she is proper. She considers the confines and ideas of virginity and modesty to be meaningless and stupid and so generally has a flirtatious personality. [b]Backstory:[/b] Yennefer's parents were crofters, farming the land and raising herds of cows and goats. She always had an interest in bodies and how the animals survived and what they looked like when they died so it didnt take long for her to take an interest in medicine. Her parents were pretty supportive, her mother being especially proud of her and even allowing her to disect animals dead from disease. She experimented with herbs on sick animals, sometimes they died quicker but gradually her success grew further until she was the one her Village turned too when anything was ill. As she grew older she got itchy feet, she wanted to do more with her skills and knew of a monastery outside the city that trained women to heal the sick. It was a long way away but she was determined and her parents were so excited about their daughter's talents that they told the whole village and gathered support for her. Eventually all of the trustworthy Men of the village who could be spared were sent to escort her to the City, the send off being a large feast with everyone wishing her well and telling her to come back and visit when she could. The journey there was somewhat dangerous but her bodyguards kept her safe and whenever one of them was injured in the line of duty she would quickly patch him up. They reached the monastery and the nuns there were very eager to take her on as a student. For a moment it was a little rocky, Yennefer ranting a little after being told she had to become a nun to heal the sick, but she quickly conceded defeat and tried to be demure about it. She stayed there for four years, becoming an excellent pupil, if a little frustrated at the confines on her actions and flirtations. A war erupted late into her training and she and some other sisters were brought to the outskirts of the battle to tend to the wounded they brought in. It was a shocking and hardening thing for her. She was not squeamish about bodies but the way some soldiers had been sliced and hacked apart turned her white. After the battle she left the nunnery and instead apprenticed under the Surgeon she had met in the battle. He was surprised at her request but was not particularly bigotted about women doctors and had certainly witnessed her prowess in the battle. She had just turned 19 when she left. The surgeons name was Kaleb and he was a fine and kindly man, happy to teach and help wherever he could. He took her to various places from the depths of a dungeon to the villages in mountain valleys to more battlefields and all the way he healed those who could pay him a small fee or offer him some food. Yennefer learnt well from him and eventually liked him very much. He was probably her first real crush but she herself never pursued it, him being much older than her. Some few years after their meeting and Yennefer was ready to make her own way in the world. Amongst other things Kaleb had taught her he had also taught her to defend and fend for herself. Archery was something she was pretty good at and she always kept a few knives tucked in various places around her body. She had used them a few times already before she left. Generally she was not very strong of body, good at running and climbing but punching or pushing someone away would be difficult. However she was good at wriggling out of tight spaces and so she always escaped any trouble generally unharmed. She was concerned about the way the world was going. A darkness was coming over the land and it worried her, she felt like the earth was sick and she didnt not know how to cure it, which was rare for her. It was around this time that she met a strange man, Merrick was his name, she had come to a village near to his estate to help stop the spread of some mystery sickness. He watched her for a while and when she was finally getting a little edgy and concerned he introduced himself and told her a great many fantastical things. She was skeptical at first but eventually after actually seeing his Dragon, a black graceful creature, she was convinced. It took a little consideration but eventually she agreed to becoming a so called 'Dragon tamer'. If this was the remedy the world needed then it was her duty to try and use it, to put her full dedication behind it. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] [b]Bonded Ability:[/b] She took on some of her dragon's earthshaking talents, suddenly gaining much more strength, gaining the ability to stamp her foot and create cracks in the ground or punch a wall and break it in half. [b]Skills:[/b] She is an incredibly experienced and adept healer, having expansive knowledge on most herbs and remedies wherever she goes and understanding a human body very well indeed. She is well travelled and can fluently speak two other languages while knowing many more. She also has knowledge of the various states and how they are faring, friends amongst every reach of life telling her all that occurred in the various cities. She is a pretty decent shot with a bow. [hider= Dragon breed ][img]http://imageprocessor.websimages.com/width/388/crop/47,0,339x246/s4.goodfon.com/wallpaper/previews-middle/292077.jpg[/img] The largest of all dragons, and the strongest to boot, the brown dragon is a behemoth. Though their size is impressive, standing at a shocking 14 FT tall, their mahogany scales are matte, not shiny. However the underside of their wings are as gold as the precious stone they collect and guard so fiercely. The brown dragon is a hoarder, they blend perfectly into the mountain side and spend most their time protecting their stash of precious metals and gems they have collected over the years. They are very proud animals and extremely intelligent. It is said that the first earthquakes were from these massive creatures scaring off thieves who prying into their stash, but stomping their massive legs and shaking the ground. They prefer the ground to the air but will not hesitate to take to the skies to pursue and punish any who cross them or dip into their hoard. They are the noblemen of the dragon world and take place high regard for those with manners like their own, they are extremely chivalrous towards their human especially. Their fire is a copper color. Dragon Abilities Bulldoze: These massive animals can knock over almost anything including trees, boulders, houses... although generally the tamer is expected to avoid allowing the dragon to level houses. Earthquake: By flying into the air and dropping themselves to the ground, the earth around them will shake under their massive weight. Burrow: They are master diggers and can dig tunnels and caves rather quickly.[/hider] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Methuzar [b]Dragon Gender:[/b] Male