Shani and Leia followed their own tracks through the sewers as they returned to the summoning hall. Throughout the entire trip the Gnome's incessant rambling continued, his voice echoing in the tunnels they passed, yet the Night Elves seemed to ignore him completely. They eventually reached the final platform and the stairs leading up to the hall. Walking up the steps, the Night Elves met Liaena and Sharon standing in the doorway. "Out of the way! This midget is working with the assassins!" Shani said, for once not referring to Liaena when she said midget. The two Night Elves pushed their way past the High Elf and human as they entered the room, holding Mitonk up like a prize cattle on display. "We've captured one of the plotters! We caught him as he helped the assassin to escape!" Shani called out loud triumphantly, gently shaking Mitonk around in the air to garner attention to the gnome while ignoring his pleas and protests. But mostly angry protests. Serphia turned around to gaze at the group, spotting Shani and Leia with the gnome and toolbox. Although Night Elves were already quite large by nature, Serphia towered at least a head above her minions in regards to height, and a heavy yet powerful build. With snow white hair and brightly burning silver eyes, she walked over to Shani who was holding Mitonk. As small as Mitonk may have been next to Shani and Leia, the Captain was much more like a giant in comparison to the small gnome. "I told you to get me an assassin. Not this degenerated trogg creature." Serphia said as she motioned towards Mitonk. "What happened?" "This gnome is working for the assassins, he made the assassin disappear in thin air when we chased him! And we almost had him, too!" Shani explained, unceremoniously shaking Mitonk around in the air to get the point across that everyone should be looking at him as he was to blame.