Egregoroi: Action Psychopomps [i]Everybody dies. That's the unavoidable truth of life, and if by some miracle you manage to find a 'loophole' in the system to make yourself immortal in some description, then you're still going to die. Sorry. It really is inevitable, not matter how hard you try. If you're one of [b]them[/b], though, it's not about when you die - it's about how you die. The Egregoroi, hand picked agents of the Earth its self and its idea of death, enforce this universal truth. The Immortal who thinks it has it all worked out, hidden away quietly in some backwater and living out the rest of its eternal days might just find its self being paid a visit by one or a few of these morbid beings.[/i] [i]An Egregoroi is born when a person dies. That person then finds them self not quite dead, near the spot they died, with an odd creature which only they can seem to see lingering over their shoulder. That thing is their death, their Momento Mori, the face of how they died made manifest. Its appearance, personality and mannerisms all indicate what kind of death it was, some aspects more than others. For example; you got caught up in the world of crime and ended up gunned down by a cop, and when you were brought back you ended up with a Mori that resembled a police officer with a skull for a face and flame surrounding its head, with an indomitable personality and driven to keep its 'partner' in check - Death by harsh justice.[/i] [i]So you've just been brought back from your death, which you're certain was not that long ago, and then this spirit friend of yours gives you the run down: For now, you're back and you've been brought back for a specific reason - to hunt. You can feel it as well, an invisible force urging you to go somewhere, to find something and then fix it. You can consider resisting this urge, but the longer you do the more maddening it becomes. Eventually, you cave or you go mad. [/i] [i]You, though. You're being urged to a city, somewhere. All you know is that something is there, and it does not belong. You body and instincts tell you to go, and you can only fight it for so long. That thing that's been lingering around you - the Mori - seems eager to convince you as well.[/i] [i]Best get to it, before that whole madness thing starts. [/i] [img=] --- Thanks for reading that (very) short introduction to Egregoroi! After a hiatus brought on by university life, I figured I'd try my hand at an RP I've been thinking of for a while. In short, as an Egregoroi you're a psychopomp. You guide things that have lingered on the Earth for too long to the afterlife, but your mission is a bit more difficult than that. The Egregoroi are created to deal with powerful instances of these 'things', among them being Level Graded Spirits and Immortal Beings. Here's some [hider=Terminology and Definitions] [b][i]Egregoroi[/b][/i] - Psychopomps. Their mission is to guide level graded spirits and other such creatures to final death. They are initially created to complete one hunt, and after that initial hunt they are given the choice between being reborn as a new life, passing on to the after life, or remaining an Egregoroi to serve the greater powers. They are bound to a Mori. Old age is never a reason for becoming an Egregoroi, there is usually an exceptional/odd reason which would not constitute a 'normal' death in the same way dying of age is. [b][i]Momento Mori[/b][/i] - Simply called a Mori. An immensely powerful being created specifically for the Egregoroi based off of how they died. They funnel their powers through the Egregoroi so they may do their work. The form, personality, attributes and powers of a Mori can vary heavily. Some can be humanoid, others animal like and even geometric. They often communicate with their Egregoroi, as well as with other Egregoroi and their Mori's, but they generally do not do the latter two unless required. As a Level Graded Spirit, they fall ambiguously between levels 5-7, although the full extent of their abilities can rarely ever be drawn upon by an Egregoroi. [b][i]Level Graded Spirit[/b][/i] - Within the global magic community, there is a general model to help categorise spirits. Ungraded spirits are weak, mostly just fragile memories which cling to places and cannot impact the material realm to any degree, while a Graded spirit can have influence over the material realm and even greater power over the supernal realm. These grades go from 1-10, with 1 being something like a self-aware poltergeist and level 10 spirit being beyond manifestation, more akin to an 'aware concept' than anything else. [b][i]Earthmind[/b][/i] - Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis wasn't too off the mark. The Earth its self is quite literally a living being, and it can in a sense 'think', although it is more akin to a regulated body than a mind. There is an order that it seeks to maintain, and anything that disturbs that order will attract the attention of the Earthmind. It is suspected that the Egregoroi are a specialised form of 'white cell' to the Earthmind, made specifically to deal with the disruption of death. Over the years, the Earthmind has become more and more strict on what constitutes order and disorder, resulting in a decline of the wondrous. The Earthmind would constitute a Level 9 on the Level Grade model. [b][i]Magic[/b][/i] - It exists in this setting, as you can imagine, but it's generally kept very well hidden from the public. Muggles, and so on. [b][i]Immortal Beings[/b][/i] - It's in the name. This classification is about as broad as the Level Grade model for spirits, powerful vampires and magic users being among them. The only clear definer for what makes an Immortal Being target worthy for the Earthmind is that they are, in some form, physically immortal and have amassed enough power in order to be noticed. The latter is not required, but the more power and influence an Immortal Being gains, the more likely it is they will be hunted by the Earthmind and the agents that serve it. [/hider] [hider=Example Character:] [b]Name:[/b] Erica Bergland [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]An image or text description, both if you're feeling adventurous[/url] [b]Nationality:[/b] Swedish [b]Personality:[/b] Ever the outgoing sort, Erica sought challenge after challenge in her short life, resulting in her taking up the likes of rock and mountain climbing and other sports on the side. She is not the most book smart person out there, nor does she have any desire to be, but it would be incorrect to call her unintelligent; there is defiantly a creative and 'outside-the-box' method of thinking to this girl, contributing to her success in her chosen sport. Even unknown to Erica, she has a natural gravity which seems to draw people to her, usually resulting in her becoming the 'leader' of a group of friends. She's sociable, friendly and an overall pleasant person to be around...most of the time. The off-side to her can be impatient, defiant to lectures or being boxed in and sometimes insensitive in her bluntness. Exploration, risk and danger, these are the things she brings to her friends and those around her. [b]Background & Death:[/b] Ever energetic as a child through to her teens, Erica found more in physical activities than the classroom. She never directly failed anything, but academic excellence was a far cry away for her. Instead, Erica turned her focus to mountain climbing. At the age of 16, she climbed to the peak of the Helagsfjallet. Her next big climb took her to Canada's Northern Rocky Mountains, the peak of Mount Ulysses being her goal. It was there that she eventually died. [/hider] [hider=Erica's Mori] [b]Name:[/b] The Fimbulvinter [b]Represents:[/b] To be killed by the wilds and the weather, the biting cold. [b]Appearance:[/b][url=] Again, text or image is fine. Some Mori's may require text, others wouldn't. Up to you.[/url] [b]Abilities:[/b][i] [These are what the Mori grants the user, and they can gain access to more power or increase what's already there through time, experience and experimentation. In general, there is a 'primary' cause, that being the immediate cause of death, that would grant the majority of their initial power, and a 'secondary' cause which would compliment the primary cause, and serve to flavour the Mori's abilities some more.] [/i] [i]Feral Form -[/i] Something common among those claimed by animals. Erica gains distinctly wolf-like features, including a set of fierce icicle claws, teeth and grey fur along her forearms. This ability increases the capabilities of her senses as well as those of her physical body, making her stronger, faster and more durable. [i]Unforgiving Cold -[/i] A secondary power based on the cold conditions which lead to her death by the wild. It is not uncommon for secondary cause abilities to be more utility based, and this is the case with Erica. Unforgiving Cold gives Erica limited control over cold temperatures, allowing her to freeze small areas and make the air around her uncomfortably cold. An application of this ability allows her to move on water by freezing it under her, and to increase the sharpness/length of her ice-based claws. [/hider] Interest? Thoughts? Let me know! I'd give it a bit before posting up any CS', just to make sure there's enough interest to start, but feel free to post whatever idea you may have anyway. Once the main thread is put up, more light will be shone on the key players of the story. If anyone wants to talk something over on Skype, give me a shout through PMs. As a note if you consider making a character: Keep in mind that, while Egregoroi may be potentially very powerful, fresh Egregoroi are not at the top of this settings foodchain or anywhere near it. Think of a good, basic starting place which could then develop into something more in-depth and unique. In the example of Erica, she is starting as 'kinda tough and shit with a bit cold', but she could eventually turn into a real physical monster with the ability to manifest cold weather phenomena, blizzards and stuff. Basically, just keep a sort of progressive story narrative in mind.