[b]Danny - Cabin - Alex[/b] "I don't goddamn know," Danny answered, sighing. He rubbed his hands against his face, eventually lowering them to look at Shannon through his fingers. "No matter what I do, everything just manages to get worse." Shannon stared at him. James stopped hugging her to go sit down, so Shannon crossed her arms. "Is that what you're trying to tell me? That going after her will just make things worse?" Danny groaned. "No! I'm just-- Jesus, I don't know, okay? I don't even know why he would have taken Emma. He said he was going to release us all, to keep her is just..." Weird. Creepy. Danny was worried Enrique's motives were on the depraved side of things. "... Maybe he thought we wouldn't find out, but that still doesn't explain much. You said you'd met him before?" Shannon shook her head. "James and I did. Not Emma. She wasn't with us then." "Then I guess he just wanted to fuck with us!" That he was swearing in front of James was the last concern on Danny's mind at this point. "You're right, okay? We owe it to her to try and get her back, but you can't ask everyone here to [i]do[/i] that, Shannon!" He pointed to Elliot and Richard, who were still standing awkwardly in the room. "First of all, you two are going back--" Elliot shook his head, and Richard said, "We can't." When Danny asked why not, Richard had to take a moment to answer. "... We don't want to." Danny glared at them, eventually settling on rolling his eyes. Turning, to Alex, he asked, "Okay, what do you think, then?"