Hi all. I've read the interest thread and the characters here so hopefully this fits with the theme. Let me know if there's anything you dislike and you want/think needs changing. Equally, if there are things you like about the character and would want them emphasized in the rp, let me know too! Thanks. Appearance: [img=http://www.pro-trainer.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/photo-gallery/Barry-Stalker-Personal-Trainer.jpg] Name: Scott James Felton Age: 32 Gender: Male Role: Accidental Athlete Likes: Sport (Watching and playing), showing off, any opportunity to prove his physical superiority, fast cars, attractive women, conflict, showing off, being outdoors, hard work, coaching and motivating others, did I mention showing off? Is starting to appreciate helping others succeed, more and more. Dislikes: Being stuck indoors, people who are slow and/or inactive, thought puzzles, people who complain about minor things. Deep and meaningful conversation makes him feel uneasy; he avoids anything related to feelings. Personality: Competitive, stubborn and determined, a do-er not a thinker, impatient, short tempered, sensitive (but he hides it well), sentimental about his time at the school. Relationships: A number of failed relationships and short-term flings in his early 20s. No meaningful relationships recently as he has trouble connecting with others due to the fact he sees people's weaknesses and downsides instead of their positives, though he is working on changing this with his coaching. Was too focused on sport at school to be anything more then friends with the girls there. Biography: The third son in a family of athletes, Scott looked up to his older brothers in everything and tried to imitate their sporting success at school. He loved being the best in his class but found academic studies uninteresting. In breaks he preferred spending time with his older brothers and their friends as they provided more of a competitive challenge. After getting into trouble in various classes his parents decided that perhaps a more isolated education away from the distractions of his brothers would be better for Scott, allowing him to develop into his own person rather than constantly trying to live up to someone else. So it was that he came to be at Rising Sun. Under request from his father, he was permitted to go to sports clubs during weekday evenings and weekends so that his athletic talent did not go to waste. As a consequence, Scott spent less time with the other kids out of school hours. He enjoyed their company for the most part and loved telling them about his achievements in whatever sport club he'd just been to. He found listening to the others a bit less interesting, however. One person he did look up to was Derek, who was one of if not the oldest at the school and acted as the group's leader. Scott would fall into line and laugh when he teased the other kids, though he rarely called them names himself. Scott progressed through college, continuing his achievements in sport. Just as he was making it big as a professional he was involved in a nasty car accident which broke both his legs. Although Scott had been driving too fast at the time he fiercely maintains it was the other guy's fault. The doctors did not think he would ever walk again, but when Scott eventually got fed up of being restricted to a wheelchair he took a load of painkillers, got some crutches and with the help of a friend single-mindedly practised walking until he could do it properly. Amazed, the doctors reasoned that by doing what he had done, Scott had forced his bones into the correct position and they slowly healed in the right place. Remarkably, he walks today with no hint of anything amiss. While he conquered walking, Scott was never able to return to his life as a professional sportsman so he channelled his love of sport into coaching. He gets some joy from helping others succeed but when he looks at himself he only sees a bitter failure who did not achieve what he could have done. It's from these feelings that his impatient nature comes from. Other Notes: Claustrophobic. Won't admit it but suffers from recurring nightmares about his accident. Startled at the sound of anything resembling a car horn or screeching brakes. Typically early to bed; he wakes up at 6:00 am to go for a morning run, without fail. Hasn't kept in touch with anyone from the school so does not know what to expect - he barely remembers their names and who they were.