[center][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/037/b/2/man_by_martasyrko-d75c09x.jpg][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Corey McAtkinson [b]Birthdate:[/b] April 4th, 2987 (Age: 23) [b]Backstory:[/b] Corey grew up as a somewhat normal youth from Kankakee, Illinois. He was highly interested in medieval history from a young age, getting a number of new swords, knives, and other such weapons every year for his birthdays and Christmas. He also was infatuated with a television game show, aired out of California, which was essentially a competitive obstacle course meant to be beat by only those who had the strength of a Spartan, the skill of a Celt, and the agility of a Ninja. After he graduated from high school, he worked as a self-employed mechanic, having learned the basics of vehicles after rejuvenating an old Dodge Ram 1500 alongside his father. When he earned enough money at the age of twenty-two, he packed everything of his that he could into the Dodge and drove off to California to take part in the game show. He never made it past the qualifying rounds. His dreams were crushed, and he had no money. He tried to find a job, but he could not return to being a mechanic, as he had not brought any tools with him. Corey was now the local hobo. He raided junkyards and scrapyards for machinery and a minimum of tools, and managed to outfit his truck with solar paneling, which allowed him to run the battery in his truck without the worry of gasoline. He also began walking wherever he went, selling his sword collection just to survive. Then the apocalyptic war started, and Corey was left without weapons as the local wildlife became mutated by nuclear fallout. All he has left is his truck, a couple of dollars in change, an old laptop computer, and the clothes on his back. He decided to begin hunting for the swords he had sold, should their owners be deceased. [b]Starting Weapon:[/b] Unless the truck counts . . . he’s got nothing. [b]Social Skill:[/b] Salesmanship (from selling his sword collection) [b]Combat Skill:[/b] Swordfighting [b]Craft Skill:[/b] Mechanics