[quote=ErsatzEmperor] Oh, this sounds like fun... Would a slight ounce of reality-warping mime/clown shenanigans be called for/accepted? Because if so, I'm down. [/quote] I think that would be really cool. When I read that, I imagined Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. XDD But I think that it would make for a wonderful twist, especially if they were a mime and could only show other dimensions as their way of speaking. [quote=Silent] Interested. Still very much on the fence about joining it or not, though. I could use a little more information about the roles. What is "Magic?" More specifically, what are your limitings on it and/or general things you can tell me about it? Also, what's the immortality like? Do characters heal? Can they even get hurt? Or are they just not able to die? [/quote] Any role that you would see at a circus or carnival is open for the taking, except the ringmaster, of course. The "magic" that I'm speaking about is extremely talented folk. In the illusionist's case, she could preform actual feats like vanishing and creating doves from handkerchiefs. Does that kind of make sense? It's like the stage magic is actual magic, like it's really being transformed. The type of "magic" that your character could use would be solely based on what role you wanted to play. Like a tamer, for instance, could actually be able to transform into animals and speak to them as if they were people. A fortune teller could actually tell you your future if they chose to give you the full truth. And the immortality... ah, this is going to be one of my favorite twists. The immortality is something that prevents the members from dying. They can get injured and sick, but they heal at an abnormally fast rate. Aging-wise, they never age. They are trapped in a sort of time limbo where they can not move forward nor can they move backwards. Their body performs regular functions, such as consuming food and drinking liquids, as well as expelling them. They are fairly normal, except for the healing and aging part. Due to the healing part, they are unable to die. They no longer possess souls, as they are part of the circus as a whole--that's what powers the circus and gives it an air of mystery. Say an acrobat were to fall from the ropes, which is highly unlikely but still possible, something or somebody would catch them. Most likely a rope would wrap around their legs and prevent them from hitting the ground. And I'm sure you can imagine how many of the older performers would like to be able to move on and simply die, but they can't. Leaving the circus would only drive them mad and bring them back, and they can't commit suicide or get ill enough to fully kill off their bodies. Hopefully this makes sense.