"Rithrynn will most likely return to this point. If we go looking for her, we risk running in circles" “Buuuuutttt….” Liaena hesitated as she tried desperately to find a hole in Sharon’s logic. This was difficult, as it was hard to argue with the fact that Rithrynn could be absolutely anywhere in the sewer system at this point in time, depending on where Donald had led her. This of course, did not change the fact that that room was the last place that Liaena wanted to stand around and wait for anyone, anywhere. “....I [i]still[/i] think we should go and look for her” Clinging on to Sharons robes, Liaena gave the High Elf her most stubborn looks. The girl still appeared very twitchy, and one step away from setting off on her fools errand despite all arguments to the contrary. “She[i] should[/i] have been back by now. Something must have happened….like an ambush, or Sherpa could have found her. We need to –“ "Out of the way! This midget is working with the assassins!" And before Liaena could finish her sentence, two Night Elves strode past, one carrying a flailing, cursing, naked gnome and the other a huge canvas bag with some wires trailing out of it and behind them along the floor. It was a sufficiently odd sight for the girl to stop and stare at them as they walked by, hardly sparing her or Sharon a glance, as Shani walked into the study and thrust Miltonk into the air for inspection. "We've captured one of the plotters! We caught him as he helped the assassin to escape!" “….Where’s Rithrynn?” “…….” “This gnome was working for the assassins, he made him disappear into thin air as we chased him!” Nobody was paying her the slightest bit of attention. Shani was remonstrating with her Captain as she tried to play up the importance of her captive. This was proving difficult given that after all, Miltonk was a gnome, and naked, and Serphia’s face was looking steadily more unimpressed by the second as Liaena stomped back into the study behind all of them: “HEY!” With an extremely loud yell, Liaena managed to attract all of the Night Elves’ attention for a moment as she glared dangerously at them. The fact that each and every one of them were at least half her height again and armed to the teeth, as usual, didn’t seem to matter. “Where’s. [b]Rithrynn[/b]?”