[center][b]The Nation Sheet[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Xc2H8zn.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Nation's Name[/b] Federal Republic of Dereham, more commonly referred to as The Dereham Republic.[/center] [center][b]Nation's History[/b] The Federal Republic of Dereham was formed as a result of The Great Revolution, led by Major Robert A. Glenshaw, an officer in the Kingdom of Dereham Army. The Kingdom of Dereham was actually a 4 Kingdoms united under a single throne. The Kingdom consisted of 4 cultures the Aenglanders, Eirefolk, Waelish, and the Kleimorans. After the death of their most recent, and beloved king, King William VI, his son John I inherited the throne. Due to his hate and distaste of the working man in his kingdom, he became wildly unpopular. Before long riots were taking place in the street as the King horded food to himself and the other nobles of the country. Commander of the Guard at this time Major Glenshaw was ordered to surpress the riots by any means necessary, arrest and execute their leaders. Instead of doing this, the Major and his unit defected and rebelled against the unpopular king. He quickly became the center of the rebellion organizing and leading their forces in guerrilla warfare against the king. After winning many major battles, and rallying the support of the people behind him, Now, General Glenshaw had the remnants of the Dereham Army besieged inside of the Royal Palace at Amner Hall. The General negotiated the surrender of the castle with the new commander of the Guard. Upon capturing the King, who pleaded with General Glenshaw for his life, he was petitioned by those under his command to publicly execute the king, and put an end to his tyranny. Knowing that something must be done to make the king pay for his crimes, he ordered that he be executed by firing squad on the front lawn of the Royal Palace. Upon winning the rebellion, a new government was created and a new nation formed.[/center] [center][b]Race[/b] Human.[/center] [center][b]Form of Government[/b] The Federal Republic of Dereham is a Republic, with candidates elected from many separate political parties varying in size and objective. The Supreme Chancellor is an elected position, directly by the people. A Candidate is able to serve as the Supreme Chancellor for 10 year terms. A Candidate may run as many times as he likes. Each party selects a candidate to run for this position. The [i]de jure[/i] second on the line of succession is the Secretary of the People. He is chosen by the Supreme Chancellor and approved by the Council of Workers. This position is held a minimum of 1 full term. If the Supreme Chancellor is reelected he may nominate a new Secretary of the People. The holder of this position serves as the head of the military, but does not hold direct command of any forces in the field. The [i]de jure[/i] third on the line of succession is the Chief Councilman. He is chosen from among the council of workers, by the other councilmen. He must secure a majority vote every 5 years to remain Chief Councilman. If he is not reelected to the council by the people, a new Chief Councilman is elected from the council. With a population of 135 million people, the government divided the country into 135 electoral districts, One district per 1,000,000 citizens. Each party may run a single candidate in each electoral district.[/center] [center][b]Current Leader(s)[/b] Supreme Chancellor Robert A. Glenshaw Secretary of the People Matthew W. Carver Chief Councilman Jefferson G. Taylor[/center] [center][b]Notable Figures[/b] Supreme General (Dereham Republic Army - DRA) Colin O. Morrison Supreme General (Dereham Republic Air Corps - DRAC) Richard L. Hall Supreme Admiral (Dereham Republic Navy - DRN) Daniel F. Zimmer[/center] [center][b]Total Population[/b] 135,204,200[/center] [center][b]Nation's Location:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rKOPQLd.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Nation's Geography:[/b] Highlands, Grasslands, and some mountains.[/center] [center][b]Economy:[/b] Prior to The Great Revolution, the economy of the Kingdom of Dereham was nearly non-existent, with 99% of the money in the country residing with the nation's aristocracy. In the 20 years following the revolution the Federal Republic of Dereham, the industry and agriculture of the nation has been in full swing. Producing enough food for the entire nation, as well as being able to support it's military with it's own innovative technology. As such the primary export of the nation is food, and military technology. The primary import of the nation, due to their large military focus, is raw ore of many types such as Iron, Ragnite. The major trade partner of The Dereham Republic is the NFRU. Following the revolution the nation's economy is improving, however they are not fabulously wealthy. Their economy is teetering on the edge of a command economy.[/center] [center][b]Technology Overview[/b] The Federal Republic of Dereham, being quite literally forged with blood and iron has a major industrial and military focus, however the production of food is not lagging behind. Due to the highlands and grasslands in the country they produce and abundance of food. The mountains of their nation allow them to mine rare materials for their industry, which also allows them to make technological innovations.[/center] [center][b]Military Overview[/b][/center] [center][b]Population[/b] Active Duty: 3,115,000 Airmen, Sailors, and Soldiers. Reserve Personnel: 5,000,000 Airmen, Sailors, and Soldiers [b]Army Overview[/b] 55% of military population in Army, 4,463,250 soldiers. The focus of the Dereham Republic Army is it's blitzkrieg doctrine. It accomplishes this doctrine by focusing on highly trained infantry, and very mobile medium and light armored tanks. Minimum age 18, max age for enlistment 35. Conscription is legal during times of war, upon request by Supreme Chancellor, and must be approved with 2/3 vote from the Council of Workers. Multi-child families only able to have first-born child conscripted. Service is [b]not[/b] mandatory. [b]Navy Overview[/b] 15% of military population in Navy, 1,217,258 sailors. Minimum age 18, max age for enlistment 35. Conscription is legal during times of war, upon request by Supreme Chancellor, and must be approved with 2/3 vote from the Council of Workers. Multi-child families only able to have first-born child conscripted. Service is [b]not[/b] mandatory. [b]Air Force Overview[/b] 30% of military population in Air Force, 2,434,500 airmen. Minimum age 18, max age for enlistment 35. Conscription is legal during times of war, upon request by Supreme Chancellor, and must be approved with 2/3 vote from the Council of Workers. Multi-child families only able to have first-born child conscripted. Service is [b]not[/b] mandatory.[/center] [center][b]Small Arms[/b] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/211/5/2/fsg_ap2_automatic_by_caldwellb734-d7t0jwf.png]ICW Automatic Service Pistol[/url] Formally the Infantry Combat Weapon 2 - Automatic Service Pistol, commonly refered to as "ASP", the Automatic Service Pistol is issued to Infatry officers, and pilots of the Dereham Republic's Military. Produced by the Dereham Infantry Arms Union.[/center] [center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/258/a/d/fordorsia_model_49_by_airborneleaf-d6mevd3.png]ICW Morrison Rifle and ICW Morrison Sniper Rifle[/url] Formally the Infantry Combat Weapon 30 and Infantry Combat Weapon 31 Rifles, this is the standard issue rifle of the Dereham Republic's Army. This weapon fires a 10mm round, and is able to hold 5 rounds. Produced by the Dereham Infantry Arms Union. Infantry units are also equipped with the Type 2 Automatic Rifles, and Type 2 Light Machine guns from the NFRU.[/center] [center][b]Vehicles[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/Std6AWj.jpg]LFV Valiant Mk. 1[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle 36 Valiant is a medium tank. It is the mainstay of a Dereham Republic Armor Brigade. The Tank is manned by a crew of 6 men, and boasts a single 120mm cannon, and 4 Type 74 machine guns. It is extremely mobile, and able to deal large amounts of damage with high explosive, or armor piercing rounds. [url=http://i.imgur.com/Std6AWj.jpg]LFV Valiant Mk. 2[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle 36 Mk. 2 Variant of the Valiant is designed for close to long range fire support. It boasts a 6 barrel rocket firing system. The types of rockets include smoke canister, high explosive, and incendiary rockets. Also armed with two Type 74 Machine guns. [url=http://i.imgur.com/Std6AWj.jpg]LFV Valiant Mk. 3[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle Valiant Mk. 3 Variant is designed for transporting a 15 man infantry squad. Armed with a single 20mm autocannon for defense, it is fully capable of defending itself against any threat. [url=http://i.imgur.com/xYYtrmA.jpg]LFV Liberator Mk. 1[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle Liberator, produced as a mobile, agile and hard hitting light vehicle. This vehicle is able to move through enemy lines, hit it's target and return at very good speed. [url=http://i.imgur.com/xYYtrmA.jpg]LFV Liberator Mk. 2[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle Liberator Mk. 1 Variant is a modified version of the originally Liberator used as a mobile flamethrower. Used as an anti-personnel and anti-vehicle weapon, also used to break enemy lines. [url=http://i.imgur.com/xYYtrmA.jpg]LFV Liberator Mk. 3[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle Liberator Mk. 3 Variant is a modified version of the Liberator suited as a mobile command center for a brigade level. Armed with a 20mm autocannon. [url=http://i.imgur.com/iuFpH2p.jpg]LFV Chieftain Mk. 1[/url] The Land Fighting Vehicle Chieftain Mk. 1 is a super-heavy tank of the Dereham Republic Army. The tank mounts six 9cm cannons, four Type 74 Machine Guns. Crewed by 8 men. It is used to break enemy lines, and turn the tide of siege battles quickly. A regiment of Chieftain tanks is attached to every Armored Brigade The Dereham Republic Army also uses vehicles and small arms from other members of Syndintern.[/center] [center][b]Naval Ships:[/b] [i]Glenshaw Class[/i] Battleship Armed with twelve 46cm guns, twelve 15.5cm guns, ten 12.7cm guns, and thirty 25mm autocannons. It Named for the Supreme Chancellor of The Dereham Republic, the Glenshaw Class Battleship is a nearly impenetrable weapon of the sea. Capable of outmaneuvering and outgunning any other ship of it's class. This Battleship is the mainstay of the DRN.[/center] [center][i]Amner Hall Class[/i] Troop Transport Armed two 15cm cannons, Fifteen Type 74 mounted machine guns. [i]The Amner Hall Class[/i] Troop Transport vessel, is named for the famous Battle of Amner Hall during the Great Revolution, in which Republican Forces defeated Loyalist forces in a decisive battle in the war. The Amner Hall Class can transport nearly 3,000 troops on a single voyage. [i]Revolution Class[/i] Aircraft Carrier The Revolution Class aircraft carrier is capable of transporting, launching, and refueling up to 75 Aircraft. The Aircraft on board are piloted by Air Corps pilots, and are property of the Dereham Republic Air Corps. [i][url=http://imgur.com/ZDK4Oae]Emancipator Class[/url][/i] Torpedo Cruiser The Emancipator Class Torpedo Cruiser is armed with twenty-four broadside torpedo bays, six 15cm cannons, and two 38cm cannons. The Emancipator Class Torpedo Cruiser is one of the most common ships in the Dereham Republic Navy. [i][url=http://i.imgur.com/PZLFFEa.jpg]Rooke Class[/url][/i] Dreadnought The Rooke Class Dreadnought is the largest, heaviest armored, heaviest armed, and largest crewed ship in the Dereham Republic Navy. The DRN currently posses 4 Dreadnoughts in their fleet as flagships, and 2 more planned for construction. The [i]Rooke[/i] is the Flagship of entire DRN. The Rooke Class Dreadnought is Armed with two 55cm cannons, fourteen 12.5cm, sixteen 15.5 cm guns, twenty-six triple barreled 20mm autocannons. Holds four Aircraft catapults able to launch it's compliment of 10 Naval aircraft Fighters. The Rooke Class is meant to serve as the terror of the sea. Various support ships, and patrol boats of varying sizes and functions. The Dereham Republic Navy also uses ships and weapons from other members of Syndintern.[/center] [center][b]Air Corps Planes:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/8wl1ra6.jpg]FB-35 Defender[/url] Six Type 74, four 50lb Bomb, the Defender is an Air to Air and Air to Ground attack plane. [url=http://i.imgur.com/AYgchkJ.jpg]Type 39 Raptor Fighter Bomber[/url] The Type 39 Raptor is a design of The Northern Federal Republic Of Unions. Armed with two Type 74 Machine Guns, two 20mm autocannons, six 50lb bombs, and a rear mounted type 74 machine gun. The Dereham Republic Air Corps also uses planes and weapons from other members of Syndintern. "I read that mess, can we start already!?"[/center]