[b]Diary of Thomas, excerpts[/b] [i][u]23rd of March 2015[/u][/i] This is an introductory message to whomever might be reading this diary. I've started writing in it so you might know what happened to the world in 2015, the year of what probably might be the greatest plague humankind has ever faced. I'm no historian like Plutarch or Thucydides, but I'll try to write down my experiences as accurately as possible. To give you a sketch of what happened: in September of 2014, Gregorian calendar, a meteor crashed down on earth in India, killing thousands of people. In December of that same year, a disease broke out, nicknamed Goldilocks. In a few months, millions of people died in China and India. At the moment, over 70 million people have died since it's outbreak. An enormous number. Even the bubonic plague wasn't that aggressive. Or Ebola for that matter. If anything, this disease shows that there is life outside of earth... Interesting facts for future scientists if there are any. [i][u] 7th of May 2015[/u][/i] Goldilocks has made major casualties in Europe, though for the moment, Belgium has been spared so far. Years of immigration couldn't get the government to close the borders, but apparently, a pandemic could. This on his own has been a historical fact already: the ever-squabbling Belgian politicians could set aside their linguistical problems and agree on a nation-wide policy. On a personal note, my best friend Liz invited me for her birthday today. She seemed happy with the present I bought her. It was a simple statuette of a cat, covering his eyes, part of a set of three. She pulled me close to her and kissed my cheek. Always my cheek. She then looked me deep in the eyes. I thought about kissing her, but I couldn't. Even after three years, I still couldn't. [i][u] 21st of May 2015[/u][/i] Happy birthday... Always hated it, now I have even more reason to. My parents and brother have both been contaminated by Goldilocks. It has spread to Belgium about a week ago and has made over a million casualties so far, with about four million people being ill. More or less. I'm left alone to take care of Hendrik, my youngest brother. Mother asked me to look after him and Luna, while they left the house to go to the beach apartment. She thinks it might help. Maybe it will. Don't know if I want that. He won't understand. He's like a three-year-old, always asking when mother is coming home and saying that he misses her. Try to keep his mind of her by walking the dog as often as I can. Had to resort to stealing food from supermarkets, in order to keep us fed. I can't do a job while watching over him. [i][u] 3rd of June 2015[/u][/i] Liz died. Didn't cry over my grandparents' death, didn't cry over my parents' death. Cried over hers. Tried to write her a poem. They all sucked elephant balls, one by one. Don't know what else to do. Should have kissed her. I really should have. I still don't understand why I didn't. I've had so many opportunities. All those evenings I spent with her. Why, why, why? Why you, Liz? [s]I love you[/s] [i] [u]13th of August 2015[/u][/i] More than half of the human world population has died. It's just me and Hendrik now. Even Luna has died. I said I would never get another dog after her, but I do miss the companionship. I decided to travel to Italy with him. They say it's moderately safe over there. Plus, if I'm about to die, I just might visit Rome one last time. Maybe Hendrik would like it. He probably wouldn't care. I've been saving up tanks of gas for the journey, might be able to steal another car if we don't get there. Maybe there would be trains riding in southern France. Let's hope so. Packed my most essential things with me: some warm blankets, first-aid-kit, some fire-starting gear, multi-tool and pocket-knife and my father's old toolbox. And all the food I could find. I can't imagine how hard this must be for Hendrik. Hell, it's enormously hard for me. He still doesn't understand. Keeps asking for mother. Keeps asking for Luna. I just wished he would forget about them, about them all. It would help me forget. Sometimes I wonder why he should be the one to survive. I love him, but... he's such a burden. I miss Kristof. At least him, I could talk to. He was a royal pain in the ass at times, but he was... normal. And I miss Liz. [s]I love you[/s] [i] [u]23rd of October 2015[/u][/i] I'm sorry mother! I'm so, so, sorry. I lost him. I told him to stay put but he didn't. I've been searching for him for over a week now. I just can't find him. I didn't mean to abandon him, I just had to get us some food. I'm so, so sorry... Why couldn't he just for once not wander of? [i][u] 2nd of November 2015[/u][/i] It's Kristof's birthday today. Sang him a birthday song. Never thought I'd get so soft over him. It's been over three weeks since I lost Hendrik. [s]I ju[/s] I had to give him up. I didn't mean to. He's probably dead. God, I sure hope he's dead. He shouldn't be wandering alone. I sometimes pray that he died easy, that he didn't have to suffer. Can't stand the thought. I should have watched over him. I failed him. I'm sorry, Hendrik. Sometimes I hear him, an echo on the road, in the woods. Now, I not only have that fucking tone, I'm also hearing voices now... Maybe I am going insane. Maybe I have been a while ago and only realizing it now. I'm hearing Liz' voice as well, though I can't quite remember what it sounded like. I miss you, Liz [s]I lo[/s] I love you [i] [u]30th of November[/u][/i] Arrived in Bari, apparently, there'll be some kind of meeting here tomorrow. People have been gathering. More people than I've seen in weeks. Maybe I should join them. [b] 1st of december 2015[/b] Most of the people had already entered the town hall when I arrived there. It was actually quite crowded, considering the circumstances. Although it might just be the large amount of dogs, barking and whining making the place look busy. A man standing at the front of the hall with some farmer's tools in his hands was speaking to the people. Guess I was a little late. Couldn't care too much though. I stopped caring about time a long while ago. I leaned against the wall at the back of the hall, holding my self-made walking stick firmly in one hand, checking all the pockets of my camouflage trousers with the other.This seemed like a place for pickpockets and I wasn't about to place my stuff on that table. Don't think anyone would notice anyways. The farmtool man spoke surprisingly passionately. If anything, he was a good speaker, in another time, he might have become a politician. And he seemed sincere. He had even cried during his speech. People were nodding and quietly seemed to endorse his words. [i]"Will you help me?"[/i] he asked the crowd. Maybe I should, it's been a while since I had some real people to talk with.