{I'll add more detail to this character later on. Right now, I'm focused on giving out the basics and then I'll further flesh her out. Just bear with me!} [center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/b3886f00535229dbe14927fc5a992ba2/tumblr_mo0ia6lKRB1s2z1iuo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Full Name: Ariadna Philadelphia Cook Nickname(s) or Alias: Ari, Philly, Little A, Ari from the Block Gender: Female Species: Human Age: 24 Birthday: July 22, 1994 Sexuality: Bisexual Nationality: American Religion: None (atheist) City or town of birth: Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Currently lives: Toronto, Canada Languages spoken: English, French (not exactly proficient in the language) Native language: English Relationship Status: Single PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Height: 5 feet 7 inches Weight: 126 lbs Figure/build: Well defined and toned; physically fit yet slim Hair colour: Blond Hairstyle: She wears her hair in a multitude of styles. However, she enjoys wearing her hair either out or in a bun. Eye colour: Brown PERSONALITY Personality: Free-spirited, audacious, charismatic Likes: Food. She's pretty much the epitome of gluttony. She's also into fitness and anything pertaining to healthy living. She's a bit too obsessed with Dr. Oz. Dislikes: Pork. It's a long story... Fears/phobias: Heights and planes. Favourite colour: Purple, because purple is G.O.A.T. Hobbies: Writing, reading and drawing. Taste in music: Pop and rock. BACKSTORY (Will update this soon!)[/center]