[centre][b][u]Story[/b][/u] A long time ago, there was a faraway land named Atla. The land was governed by a kind and old king that everyone loved. Even though the king was elderly and could hardly leave his castle, he was an efficient ruler. The king had two sons; the eldest and heir to the throne was named Layr, and the youngest, who usually kept to himself, was named Mais. Before the king died, he gifted his sons the beasts that he had tamed when he was young. Layr received Lugia, the beast of the seas. Mais was gifted Ho-Oh, the bird of flames. The king passed away, leaving the throne to Layr. Layr ruled the kingdom of Atla as efficiently as his father, and people soon chanted his name on the streets instead of the previous king’s. But Mais was the jealous brother—when Layr didn’t expect a betrayal, Mais launched a coup-de-etat against his own kin. The land was enveloped in war for many years. Both men, women, and Pokemon died fighting for what they thought was right. In the end, the kingdom of Atla was divided into two countries—Luria, governed by Layr, and Pheonixis, ruled by Mais. It has been many years since then. The two countries are about to break out into war once again, but meanwhile, the people are doing their own thing. Farmers are tending to their crops, warriors are training, and squires are following their knights’ shadows. Other than that, many people have taken up a sport. They have begun to track down and enslave—or kill—Morphs. Morphs are people who can shift into Pokemon and live isolated from their human counterparts. In humans’ eyes, they are demonic and dangerous creatures that must be put down. The Morphs’ numbers are dwindling and they aren’t going to stand by and watch their species get wiped out. Maybe some will fight back against the humans. Maybe others will hide. Some may even attack their own kind, hoping to lessen their numbers before the humans can get to them. How long will it take for the lands of Luria and Pheonixis to become a free-for-all? [b][u]About the World[/b][/u] The map of [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/333/a/8/pokemon_map_by_ebonynightdragon-d884gzp.jpg]Atla[/url] can be seen here. [i]Luria[/i], or the Land of Storms, is united under the crest of House Layr—a fierce Lugia on a black field. These lands range from mild to freezing temperatures, especially to the north. Mostly covered in snow-capped mountains and pine forests, Luria’s people are well suited to the cold. [i]Pheonixis[/i], on the other hand, is united under the crest of House Mais—a glowing Ho-Oh on a sky blue background. Unlike Luria, Pheonixis is covered in warm wind for most of the year. Moors, fields, hills, and thin forests coat the land. Pheonixis’s people are accustomed to the warmth and take advantage of the crop that is grown there. [b][u]About the Inhabitants[/b][/u] [b]Humans:[/b] the most common inhabitants of Atla beside Pokemon. [b]Pokemon:[/b] creatures of varying appearances. They work along humans or remain as their pets. A human tames Pokemon the old fashioned way, and can only keep one at a time. Shinies are not as rare as they are in the present. Legendary Pokemon, on the other hand, are rare, but they are kept by noble houses only. Mega-evolution is possible at this time; the prerequisites are an unbreakable bond between human and Pokemon, and at the cost of both human and Pokemon’s energy. [b]Morphs:[/b] people who can shift into Pokemon. They can only shift into one Pokemon, which is their mother or father’s species. In their human forms, Morphs look much like humans, and only Pokemon are able to tell them apart from humans themselves. Often, they shift to their “feral” (or shifted) forms and back by will. However, extreme anger can shift a Morph into their feral form. Morphs are hunted by the human race and their Pokemon partners for sport, leading to them resenting humans. They are able to mate and reproduce with humans and other Morphs, but do not mate with Pokemon. Morphs are able to communicate with Pokemon in their feral forms to an extent. [b][u]Rules[/b][/u] - Basic RPG rules apply. - Proper grammar and spelling, please. A RPer should type one paragraph per character. - I am the one in charge. As time goes on, I will pick a co-GM. - This RP will have death and romance, but keep it within range of PG-13. Sometimes we might go slightly overboard, but only every so often. - Even though legendaries and shinies are allowed, there may be a ban on them in the future. However, this is only if there is an excess. The same applies to mega-evolution. - Put your character’s catch phrase in the “Other” section of your form. - Keep coding on the form. - Have fun! [b][u]Forms[/b][/u] [b]Human Form[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [20+] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Country:[/b] [Luria/Pheonixis/Other] [b]Weapon:[/b] [b]Pokemon:[/b] [Include nickname, species, gender, and move-set in that order] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Anime pictures only please] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [Can be brief] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Morph Form[/b] [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [20+] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Country:[/b] [Luria, Pheonixis, Other] [b]Weapon:[/b] [b]Feral Form:[/b] [Include the Pokemon they shift into and their move-set] [b]Appearance:[/b] [Anime pictures only please] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [Can be brief] [b]Other:[/b][/centre]