[quote=Namelos-mann] I chuckled a bit and smile held out my right hand and said "oh just wonderful, My name's Andrew." [/quote] [indent] [b] ---Jean---[/b][/indent] I smiled - genuinely - and took his hand in mine. "Nice to meet you, Andrew. I'm Jean." Akira whined and interrupted me. "Yes, yes. These are my dogs, Akira and Roscoe. Attention hogs." I jumped slightly when I heard a loud crashing sound behind me. Akira's pulled his ears back and growled, but I quickly soothed him with a pat on the head. I turned to see some guy, who had dumped a few things on top of the pile of weapons. He spoke clearly, though quietly at first, drawing everyone in and making the crowd quiet. I listened to his story, letting it sink in. I wasn't sure I liked how he accused us all of just fending for ourselves - I mean, what did he know? - but I wouldn't hold it against him. He seemed to have good drive, and a goal in mind. I thought maybe he was being a tad sentimental, but it was a good speech nonetheless. I was just never good at the whole sentiment thing. He mentioned an abandoned farm, and my heart sort of did this weird little flip-flop thing. [i] Nah, there are lots of farms in Italy.[/i] I thought to myself, pushing the idea from my head before I even knew what I was thinking about. He finished his speech strong, asking who would join him on his quest. Immediately, people started to raise their hands and speak up, offering their support. I was still standing next to Andrew, and glanced over at him. He seemed nice. So did the guy who gave the speech, as well as a few others I noticed. This group would be good for us, wouldn't it? I raised my hand and spoke up, loud enough to be heard over the quiet murmur that had risen in the crowd. "I'm in."