[b]Username:[/b] Dragon [b]Name:[/b] Zuria [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Country:[/b] Other [b]Weapon:[/b] Bow and arrows [b]Feral Form:[/b] [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/034/8/3/speedpaint__umbreon_by_delano_laramie-d38qux8.png]{Shiny} Umbreon[/url] | Moonlight-Hyper Beam-Shadow Ball-Crunch [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/907879#full]Click.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Zuria is the headstrong woman, stubbornly sticking to what believes is right. Being such a woman, this gets her into fairly serious predicaments with humans and even other Morphs. To others, she is blunt and cold, especially to those whom she doesn’t know well. The female Morph does not know how to trust those who should be trusted and treats everyone as potential enemies. Other than being extremely stubborn and somewhat aggressive, Zuria would rather keep to herself than mingle with others of her own kind. She avoids both friendly and hostile Morphs and stays in her “territory”. However, if someone gets close enough to Zuria, they can easily see that she cares for those who are close to her… even if they have to study her for a few months. [b]Biography:[/b] Born in the depths of Nightshade Forest and abandoned by her mother, Zuria was raised by her father on his lonesome. She had two brothers and one other sister, who all had normal fur coloring when they were in their feral forms. While her Umbreon Morph father prevented any favoritism from coming over him, he found himself growing close to Zuria. He taught her how to blend in with the forest when he really should have left her to die if she couldn’t figure it out on her lonesome. Zuria soon became an adept hunter both in her human and feral forms. One day, the humans found their little cottage deep within Nightshade Forest. Since Zuria was a rarer breed of Morph, they killed her father and siblings right before her very eyes, planning to take her and make her into a slave. Zuria wouldn’t have it—she fought her very best, even if she was eighteen. She fled after downing two of the men, the three others who had come after them giving chase. The young woman ran as fast as she could, eventually escaping her pursuers. Zuria hid herself in a den under a mossy rock that was probably dug out by a wild Pokemon. She stayed there for several days until hunger drug her out. Ever since that day, Zuria has vowed to venge herself on the human race. Now an Umbreon, she plots and plans within her little portion of Nightshade Forest, only venturing out to the human towns when she needs materials that she cannot make on her lonesome. [b]Other:[/b] “I will not stop until the ones responsible for my family’s death lie dead at my feet.”