Faeya bit her bottom lip to keep herself from giggling at Kaine's reaction. His eyes widened into puppydog eyes. "Do you really think I'm pretty?" Faeya couldn't help but laugh. "That's hilarious!" Faeya got up as soon as another girl shoved her out of the way, almost falling on her butt. "Well then" she mumbled softly before standing to her feet and turning to the gorgon that was about to attack. "Gosh, you things are annoying!" She raised her hand up and blew into it, a shadowy cloud flew through the space between her and the gorgon and wrapped around the neck of the beast, strangling it to the point of death. Kaine glared af Faeya and whispered to her "be careful. You could-" Faeya interupted him by saying "I know Kaine. Leave it."