Name: Khem Kendrick Age: 23 Gender: Female Weapons: A silver-inlaid knife kept on her chest and a 9mm Glock 17 with 1 magazine of silver bullets and 3 normal magazines. Kept in a holster at her hip. Each clip holds 17 rounds. Appearance: [img][/img] Khem is athletic, about 5’5”. Her hands are heavily calloused with use, and her arms and fingers bear a great crisscrossing of burn scars. She dresses very plainly off-duty, in t-shirts and jeans, usually, but on-duty she wears a bulletproof vest, black fatigues tucked into combat boots, and a purple bandana to keep stray strands of hair out of her face. When she is working her day job she wears overalls and a toolbelt. Personality: Khem is a very attention-seeking, robust person with mannerisms to easily match. Where others may shrink back out of caution or social expectations, Khem will shamelessly launch forward and act as she, and she alone, sees fit. To say she is without much tact is to say that whales are a little big. While her heart is usually in the right place, she is easily agitated and driven to outright rudeness or cruelty against those she personally believes deserves it. Since childhood, she has been taught to kill or drive away monsters, leading to a skewed view of the other world beneath her own. While she does not outright hate supernatural creatures, she gravely distrusts them, varying by species and situation. Bio: Khem was born to two police officer parents and an older brother by the name of Sunan. Khem grew up enveloped in the law enforcement world, from a very young age encouraged to always fight for what was right. Unfortunately for her parents, she translated their motto into something a little more literal. From third grade to ninth, Khem’s record lit up with detentions, referrals and expulsions, nearly all infractions involving violent encounters with schoolyard bullies. Finally, when high school rolled around, Khem’s family had had enough. Her parents, hoping to redirect her violent energy, allowed her access into the world they had kept hidden from both their children: that of the supernatural. Sunan, frightened, opted out and continued through school into the New Horn police academy to follow in the family footsteps. Khem, meanwhile, threw herself aggressively into the realm of nightcrawlers, magic and beasts. By the time she was a sophomore she went on regular outings with her parents, learning their ways as they hunted down vampires, exorcised ghosts and practiced magic. While Khem would have gladly abandoned the prospect of college to instead fund the weapons and equipment she would need to fight off monsters, her parents wisely reminded her that killing demons would not pay her bills. Begrudgingly, she managed to earn her necessary licenses over a handful of years, becoming a self-employed electrician working odd jobs for businesses and homeowners alike. Her loose schedule left her with plenty of time to make a bigger name for herself in the community, and it was not long before she was called on by the Supernatural Investigative Network. Other: Khem, in a mix of genetics and intensive training, possesses an acute aptitude for electrokinesis. She most often employs her abilities as a stunner in close-combat or as a way to shut down the power to almost anything that uses electricity, as actively shooting lightning from her hands results in burns and even severe injury as the lightning arcs back onto her.