Gwen stepped in front of her, pushing the two apart and bracing herself for a hit. "Then stop beating this shit out of someone you might have to trust your life to later! I get that you had a bad life, we all did. That's why we're here. That doesn't mean you get to take it out on people around you. Either of you. We've all had shit lives, So you need to get over yourselves and get a hold of yourselves because otherwise, you're going to end up dead or in some reject bin, as I'm assuming where the rest of Alpha's team ended up. That applies to everyone here. If we don't get our act together, we're going to be labeled useless. We don't have rights here, we don't have a voice. We're experiments, and we're at the whim of whoever created us. So get your acts together and maybe, maybe, we'll survive for longer than a month." Gwen snapped, not using an ounce of charm but pure venom. She turned on her heel and walked out of the library, Cowyn on her heels.