Username: Eveekitten Name: Avyn Luria Pronunciation: Aey-vin Loo-ria Age: 20 (soon to be 21) Gender: Female Country: Luria Weapon: A pair of wrist blades [hider=Pokemon] Nickname: Sun Species: Espeon Gender: Male Move-set: Confusion Quick Attack Psybeam Morning Sun [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] (Not my picture, props go to the original artist)[/hider] [hider=Avyn] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] Personality: Avyn is curious and adventurous by nature, she likes to explore and find new things. She's good at figuring out the right mood for the right moment, being serious when needed. She is interested in the kingdom, although she doesn't have much say in what goes on. She hates the war and wishes that it were over. When she was younger, she wished to train with the knights and fight by their side but was always told she was not allowed. As she grew, she realized that fighting wasn't always the answer and spent a lot of times reading on other political ways of putting differences aside. It was Sun, her beloved Espeon, who pushed her to keep her studies up to date on her kingdom, in case she was ever called forth for whatever reason. That reason has yet to arise, and secretly, she's happy that it hasn't, she can't imagine what she'd do with all of that responsibility. She has spent the past few years training herself in the art of the double wrist blades, after finding a book about them in the library. Sun agreed that it would be a useful thing to know, in case political reasoning didn't work, or the case where she Avyn might need to defend herself while he wasn't around. Avyn is friendly with a lot of different people and gets along well with people no matter who she's among. She tends to be very well liked. She has a hard time ignoring her curiosity at the best of times, and it's often Sun who convinces her that it's best to walk away. The two seem to have an unbreakable bond and she is found with him most often than anyone. Biography: Avyn wasn't born into royalty, as she believes. She was actually abandoned at the castle in Luria, in the dead of winter. One of the servants had answered the door, finding the babe and worrying that the child might freeze, brought her in at once. The King seemed drawn to the baby girl, her eyes similar in color to his own, even if her hair was the wrong shade. She had a sweet smile that instantly filled his heart, he knew he could never let her go. He ordered all staff and servants to treat the babe as his own daughter and forbid them to reveal to her or anyone else of her real heritage. She had a happy childhood for the most part, kept safe by all who loved and cared for her. As she grew older she was given classes on the kingdom and it's history. She learned of the war and it's origin. This fascinated her, while at the same time worrying her, she couldn't understand the deep strain between her father and his brother and could only hope to one day patch their relationship in some way. Of course, this was a dream of a young child and realistic visions came into light the more she grew. On the child's tenth birthday, her father surprised her with a pokemon egg. She had always wanted her own pokemon, but could never decide which one she really wanted. He chose the Eevee because of it's ability to evolve into anything that she choose. She raised the egg, caring for it as only a mother could, until, at last, it began to hatch. The little Eevee became the single most important thing to her. She loved him with all her heart and vowed to always care for him. She kept him as an Eevee for five full years, training him as best she could. On her sixteenth birthday, her father came to her and offered her an assortment of stones, telling her to choose what evolution she'd like for her Eevee. At first, she hated the idea, she simply couldn't fathom changing one thing about her closest friend. In the end, it was Eevee who decided that it was time for it's evolution and the two worked together to choose it's new form. As an Espeon, the pokemon had the ability to learn things that it never could have as an Eevee. She found that Espeon had a special bond to the sun and decided the name fit. She has a close bond to Sun and is very rarely seen without him close by her side. He's never been seen inside of a pokeball. Everything else can be roleplayed. Other: "Live a life worth living, so as not to look back and wish it could have been different"