[Hider=The Republic]Nation's Name: The Malassakian Republic, or coloquillaly, "I galinioteri ( Ee Ga-LEE-ni-oh-ter-ee") [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110128001947/althistory/images/2/2c/Britannia_Flag_Final.jpg[/Img] Nation's Name: The Fourteenth Malassakian Republic, or colloquially, "I galinioteri ( Ee  Ga-LEE-ni-oh-ter-ee" Nation's History: The tradition towards the maritime is as old as the republic itself, and in fact, predates it. As the legend goes, the origin of the republic is from a long conquered hegemonic city state on the coast of what is now the Irodein Empire and race of viking style barbarians whose indigenous name is lost to history (called by the Historians "Epidromeas" after their tendency to raid), who frequently raided this coastline, on the isle then known as Balea. As this city state, Trapezous, spread its hegemonic fingers and subjugated the neighboring cities to make them clients, it became responsible for their protection. Being a thalassocratic state itself, it had never had any issues with fending off the crude, leather hulled raiders, and so the two maritime "powers" by and large ignored each other. As the influence of Trapezous grew, more and more of the coastline demanded its attention and protection, which, despite its competent navy, was unable to be everywhere simultaneously. The shrinkage of available targets for the raiders also compelled them to test Trapezous' now overstretched navy.  Thus, the only choice was a perilous expedition to the isles the barbarians called home to eradicate what they considered to be inferior humans. For this most dangerous of missions, the republic selected its fiercest son, the third son of the Archon, Malassakos, to lead the genocidal expedition. He sailed at the head of a tremendous war fleet to the island, batting away those ships which dared oppose him until he set foot on the island triumphantly. His heavy hoplites proved more than a match for the lightly armed sea raiders; of the royal family of the island, first the King, then the eldest prince, sequentially all attempted some new strategic, some new intrigue to slay the conquering hero, but Malassakos' men defeated and slew them and their forces each time. Finally, the male line was extinguished, and a young daughter came to rule. She was lovely, and so prevailed upon Malassakos to spare her and her people, they being willing to submit to Trapezous. Malassakos was moved to compassion, and so sent word back to his city and requested clemency on the condition of direct rule. This request was denied as a result of the vengeful demands of the client states,  and he was ordered to slay them to the last. Again, he requested clemency. Again he was denied. Being the son of the chief magistrate and thus well versed on the intricacies of the law, he declared that as the republic had officially warned the royal family of the raiders to desist, the republic recognized them as a sovereign state. Therefore, under the rules of foreign trade, the Baleans had the legal authority to sell him slaves, and his slaves became his personal property entitled to the constitutional protection his property enjoyed. Also, he married the queen in a lawful ceremony, and so she became a citizen with all the protections a female citizen was entitled. Thus, on his third request, they could not order him to destroy the people without a judicial proceeding, which was impossible as he himself had committed no crime, notwithstanding the slaves had. As a consequence, all the inhabitants became known as Malassakou, or "of Malassakos", as they personally belonged to him.  Centuries later, a disastrous famine followed by hostile nations drove all the original inhabitants out of Trapezous, forcing those with the means to migrate to the island (which was owned by Trapezous) and among the Malassakou, who had since been manumitted as a result of Malasskos' grandson's death as all slaves were. Of course, because the overwhelming majority of the island was given a constitutionally inferior status with much diminished rights, the situation rapidly became untenable. A constitutional convention was called, and among other demands in the negotiations, the Malassakou demanded the island reflect the heritage of those who inhabited it, and was so renamed from the Serene City of Trapezous to the Malassakian Republic, a name born to this day. Another tradition borne is that whenever there is a revision to the constitution, major or minor, the Republic technically ends, and a new one is born. Hence, while the political entity is thousands of years old, the Republic as it is today is only 240 years old.  As technology progressed, the Malassakians combined the raiding and client state traditions of both their constituent peoples, and so began enforcing their hegemony over the waves. They acquired more islands, and spread more and more over the world until their present state, which operates in much the same way.  Race: Humans Form of Government: Mixed between de jure plutocracy and democracy. The executive Branch is composed of three magistrates elected every five years and given control of different aspects of the state. The Archon  is the head of state, and handles diplomacy and domestic functions of the state. The decision to approve (note: not declare) war is his, and his is the most powerful office in the executive. The Thalassarch used to have absolute control of the navy, but his position has over time morphed into a position more akin to the US Secretary of the Navy, but he is appointed by the Council of the Five Hundred rather than by the Archon. The Polemarch is much the same way, but for the army and the air force.  The legislative branch is composed of two houses. The Foroglia dictates the raising of taxes, the declaring of wars, and the appropriation to the various departments of government, and is composed of 120 members elected by sheer popular vote. The Epikrateis is a 50 man council elected in districts where each citizen gets as many votes as the nominal value of its taxes. Within the departments of government, it decides precisely where the money goes. The decision to make a new department and the rules under which it will operate must be ratified by a two thirds majority in government. The judiciary is composed of six supreme magistrates and many inferior tribunals, and in addition to the normal roles of a legal system may declare any action of the government to be not in keeping with the constitution, however, precedent does not exist and the supreme magistrates are appointed by the Foroglia.  Current Leader(s):  Archon Antiochus Soter Notable Figures Total Population Home Islands: 55 Million Colonial possessions: 122 million Nation's Location: Those islands off the coast of Irodein and literally every tiny island more than a few miles off shore. (Don't have access to image editing software at the moment) Nation's Geography: The northern pole and southern pole of the home island, Malassa, are quite hilly, while the west and east are flat all the way to the coast.  Economy: As the most densely industrialized nation, Malassa imports significant amounts of food and raw materials, and in return, principally exports manufactured goods. It is also a major global financial center. Technology Overview: The Malassans are at the forefront of technology, pioneering breakthroughs in several areas.  Military Overview:  Population: Republican Navy: 500,000  Republican Army: 358,000 Colonial Army: 600,000 Republican Air Force:  100,000 Army Overview: The standing army is intended for two purposes, namely, island defense, and more importantly, long-term punitive expeditions. As such, it is built around shock and awe to exploit the generally superior technology, perpetual initiative and maritime dominance of the Republic. While certainly not the numerous army even at wartime strength, it is very well equipped and well trained.  The Colonial army is a peacekeeping militia with a little professional corps, designed to train further militants. It employs fabian tactics to allow the navy and airforce to inflict maximum damage. Navy Overview: The navy is the strength of the Republic, being composed of no fewer than (active) 26 Fleet carriers. (Real world analogue, Midway class) 2 Battleships. (Iowa Class) 89 Cruisers (Baltimore Class) 236 Destroyers. (Gearing class) 89 Submarines. (Type XI U-boat) 90 light escort and patrol vessels. Those logistical ships which are needed. Under Construction: 3 Super carriers (Kitty hawk class) Six cruisers (Leahy class) 21 destroyers (Charles F. Adams class) 6 Attack submarines (Type XXI) Air Force Overview: The role of the Republican Air Force (distinct from Naval Aviation, the planes aboard the supercarriers whose role is naval fire support and naval strike) is to maintain air superiority. It is overwhelmingly composed of fighters. Those bombers it has are a few enormous strategic bombers too large for the carriers meant to provide enduring air support for deep operations of the army.[/hider] "I'm tired of this mess can't we just start already?"