Sherpa pondered over Rithrynn's suggestion for a while. "That... might actually be possible." Sherpa said, throwing Rithrynn a smile. Reaching into one of his pockets, the High Elf retrieved a crumpled note. On the paper was written the letters "32rd Eternal Sun street, Cathedral District.". Handing the note over to Rithrynn, the High Elf moved an arm around her back. "Come in the hours before midnight. I should be there to greet you." Sherpa explained as he motioned towards the note. "There, we will have as much time together as you want. I promise you. But for now, I need to leave this place. I think we both understand why." Sherpa said, giving Rithrynn a handsome smile. When the Night Elf wasn't coming close to accidentally killing him with stray arrows, she was actually quite cute.