[i]Welcome to the world of Teldra.[/i] [img=http://i.imgur.com/uDMS3eA.jpg] [center]Teldra is mostly populated by humans, but it also contains other races as Elfs, Orcs, Halflings, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Half-Elfs. However, the most ancient race in Teldra is the White-Elfs. White-Elfs is said to be those who first came to this beautiful land. Some even say the mighty White-Elf Queen,Teldrassìl, was so divine and powerfull that it was her who created the world of Teldra herself. Although the White-Elfs died out thousands of years ago, it is said that some of the ghost-pale creatures still wanders the land of Teldra.[/center] [b]As this story begins, Teldra is divided in Four Regions, The Northern Kingdoms, The Southern Kingdoms, The Eastern Kingdoms, and The Western Kingdoms. The division took place almost 30 years ago and was originally created to make peace. But right now, The Western and The Southern Kingdoms are at war.[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/1g6kZA2.jpg] --- [b]Anyway, we'll be focusing mostly at the Western Kingdoms for now. The two major cities is the coastal towns Aal and Montièr. The King of Aal is Roran Hammerspring, son of Altheus Hammerspring. The city of Montièr doesn't have a king, but is ruled by a political mandate.[/b] [center]Feel free to create minor cities, farms, and steads[/center] [center]Character must be either Human, Elf, Orc, Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome, or a mix, like Half-Elf.[/center]