Siobhan had to force herself to eat sluggishly at dinnertime, otherwise she would be racing through her food to reach detention first. That would look [i]incredibly[/i] suspicious -- who ever wanted to go and receive punishment? She made light chatter with Yvette, studiously ignoring Trisha glaring daggers at her from down the table, and grinned to herself, feeling lighter than she had all week. Maybe Snape would force them back to being friends again? Who knew? When other Gryffindors were filtering off back to the common room or to the library, Siobhan reckoned she could go now. Fifteen minutes early, sure, but she could attribute that to fear of her gloomy professor. She made it to the classroom with time to spare, mostly because she [i]ran[/i] there. Taking a seat down on the clean, polished floor outside -- Filch must've washed it -- Siobhan waited for Kyle to appear.