[b]Argentaurumia[/b] The Duke rolled his pen through his fingers, looking down on the fresh parchment he had just written on. A reply to the Iria Queendom. [hider=Letter to the Iria Queendom] [i]To the Lady Chancellor Haveron, The Duchy thanks you for your support for our endeavour to circumnavigate the globe. We agree that a strong bond could be formed between our two nations despite our cultural differences if a new trade agreement could be reached - our merchant ships will be able to access your nation with greater ease once colonisation takes place, as we will no longer have need to pass through Corustarian waters. We look forward to further negotiation between us in the near future. From his Grace, Grand Duke Dominas of Argentaurumia, Doge of Sapientia[/i][/hider] He handed the note to the Thane Legatus, who read it through quickly, folded it and sealed it with blue wax. The Duke slipped his silver signet ring from his finger and pressed it into the seal, imprinting the moon-and-trident emblem of the House of Sapientia. Turning to a young page, he said: "Send this to the Ambassador to the Eastern Nations (title). Have him take it to the Iria Queendom as quickly as he can, with orders to stay there and receive messages from home via carrier dove." The page took the paper and fairly ran for the door - the eagerness of youth readily used in service of the Duchy. Dominas then swept his gaze back to his desk, sliding a drawer open. He withdrew a previously written note and handed it also to the Thane. "This is my proposition to the DIP. Ensure it falls into their hands within the week." The Thane bowed and left, making for the Ministry of Intelligence headquarters in the very bowels of the city. [hider=The proposition] [i]His Grace the Grand Duke of Argentaurumia, Doge of Sapientia, hereby offers this proposition to the organisation styling itself the 'Duchy Isolationist Party': I) All terrorist activities and violent displays of racism and xenophobia must cease. II) The DIP will disband, or conform to the code of conduct required by all official political parties. III) All members and/or supporters of the DIP will be offered the chance to relocate to new, isolated communities in the mountains, construction of which will begin once a reply in agreement is received. The facilities will include; small-to-medium-sized homes; Council Houses; shrines to the Deity; agricultural equipment and infrastructure; and wells and cisterns enough to supply the community. IV) These communities will only be accessible by people of Argentaurumian origin - though his Grace and Parliament believe that all people were created equal and should have equal opportunities, it is evident from your organisation's behaviour that you do not accept this, hence this clause of the proposition. We look forward to your swift reply. We hope we can come to an agreement, but we must inform you that if these terms are not agreed to, the armed forces will be used to defend ethnic minorities and immigrants within the nation. Sincerely, His Grace the Grand Duke Dominas of Argentaurumia Doge of Sapientia[/i][/hider]