Flashes of colored moved before her vision, the rest of the world settling into the darkness of night and praying for dreams that would erase a mundane reality, as she watched nothing and yet analyze everything. By her very nature she awaited calamity to befall her as it had done so many times in the past thousand years, the gods of chaos loving to berate her for the abomination that she was. A breeze touched her hair, short wet strands refused to move but instead clung to her alabaster skin as electric blue eyes glazed over. She knelt at the top of the exclusive Grand Amaranz Hotel, her body appearing as one of the sculptures amongst many. She would need to feed before long, but the dense burn in her chest reminded her that she too needed something and was not free to be the God that most of her brethren believed themselves to be. Aseity is what she lacked and due that, she remained more humble than most. The moon sat high in the sky and the occasional tribute was paid to it by those that she would hunt if only allowed to. Seemingly the idea of killing a wolf was only one held by those that wanted to enter into war with the other breed and yet Illeana dreamt of a world where emotions ran free and fighting or fucking was awarded with the spread of chill bumps down ones spine again, but the years had stolen her ability to truly feel anything. The breeze shifted and the musky smell of cologne drifted from the balcony, a middle aged man leaning over the edge with a glass of dark liquid in his hand and a look of contemplation in his gaze. She slipped down the ledge, her hands carefully grasping a column for assistance as she let her feet touch the marble floor without sound. Her dark pants slid across her legs like a second skin, the silky black sleeveless shirt dipped low against her breasts and invited any onlooker to realize that she was confident in the very fact that she was astonishing to observe. His head lifted and she breathed in deeply as she walked toward him, the thick click of her boot the only sound to be heard at a distance so high in the sky. He straighten himself, turning to greet her as she continued her approach, his hand lifting into the air as if to give a toast. “Lovely night, tonight, hmmm?” He spoke as if he’d know her for the breadth of his short lifetime. His American accent was telling, but it truly mattered not where he was from, or what his name was, or if he belonged to another. She wasn’t there to make friends or fall in love, though some night she wished that to be her reality. “That it is. What is someone so well dressed and handsome doing standing alone in the cold of night when a party is just beyond the closed door?” She kept her look predatorial, not caring anymore if someone understood her to be frightful or not. Games were for the younger of her kind and she quickly wore thin of the veil of lies they all lived beneath. “Ahhh… the party.” He looked over his shoulder toward the golden glow of the door and turned further toward her, his gaze crawling across her skin as she stopped her approach with a comfortable two feet between them. “I think there is more entertainment out here where the wind is blowing and the rain is dropping. Look at how beautiful the city is.” He looked back over the ledge and she almost hesitated to join him, wondering if her journey to feel wouldn’t be in denial of her needs. The door opened and a boisterous blonde walked from the room, her voice loud and her words slurred from liquor. “Jimmy… who’s this? What are you doing out here? I thought we were getting a room.” The girl looked from Illeana to the male, her confusion palatable and his annoyance even more so. Illena smiled at him and whispered ‘you’re welcome’ before moving at the speed of light toward the girl, picking her up and dropping the twenty two stories below, taking what she needed and letting the rushing water of the river below do the rest.