Note: I wonder why you quit posting on the other one. Also I don't know if this fits the story you wanna tell but I'll take a slightly different route with this character. Appearance: [img=] Name: Eugene Blackwater Age: 32 Gender: Female Role: Shy Stalker Likes: Jack. Books. Dislikes: Loud people, loud music, public transports, comfort and meditation, therapy. Personality: Reserved. Quiet. Intelligent. Curious Relationships: She never really got over her curiosity of seeing the boy behind the mask and ever since only his visage has been a constant in her thoughts. She is extremely reserved and doesn't interact with people at all. She even got her role of editor through an online recruitment and she spends her time trying to forget Jack and reading books of all kinds. Biography: Not much is known of Eugene's past before school apart from the fact that all of her family was mysteriously found dead. The girl was frozen upon learning the news and since then has rarely spoken. She has the ability to be invisible, not literally like in fiction but through the lack of motion or activity. Yet you'll find her in every picture and in every activity that they did in Rising Sun. Apart from Malcolm who was really kind and polite to her and Jack, whom she found extremely enigmatic none would say that she gave of a healthy vibe. She was creepy to the point of being ominous and yet totally docile. While others would bully Jack she would sit afar and observe with an inhuman glint in her eyes. She was also noticed once outside Jack's room by Ms.Helen late in the night. Just crouched at the door and staring at the boy. No one knew what she thought about and what her ambitions were, but that look in her eyes certainly held a diabolical glint to them. If eyes were a window to one soul, one would find nothing in hers. Other Notes: Has a latent Sadistic streak and is obsessed with Jack's face.