Rain fell from the sky, pattering against the earth and producing a calming, natural melody. Birds chirped and cawed, scampering across the forest floor and fluttering between branches of the dark pines that made up Nightshade Forest. Creatures whose natural element was fire hid under rocks and pines with especially filled boughs. The day was turning to dusk—every wild Pokemon was getting their work done before night overcame the forest and the predators who relied on darkness ventured out. As time went on, the sun slipped behind the northern mountains of Luria, and shadow began to crawl over the land. Nightshade Forest was mostly known for the Pokemon that came out at night. Glowing eyes seemed to peer at unwanted visitors from behind shadowy bushes and branches. At times, there was the bark of a Mightyena or the sharp screech of some larger beast deeper within the forest. Noctowl hooted and other, smaller beings hid under roots, hoping to scamper home before they could become a beast’s supper. Soft paw pads carried Zuria across the forest floor, her vermillion eyes staring straight ahead. Her black pelt, although marked with bands of glowing azure, helped her blend in with her surroundings rather well. The strangely colored Umbreon Morph was nearly silent as she prowled toward a grounded Pidgey. The bird was probably resting on its flight home—a grave mistake on its part. It didn’t know that a hungry predator was upon it as it cooed softly and preened its feathers. Zuria’s stomach growled as she took a step closer, pressing her body close to the ground. The Pidgey wouldn’t be able to see her behind the bush. [i]Almost there.[/i] she told herself and raised her hackles in order to be able to jump on her prey. The Umbreon’s rear accidentally bumped against the brush, and the bird was alerted. It screeched as it took flight, and Zuria cursed under her breath. [i]Arceus, damn it![/i] Zuria growled, angry at herself as she stepped out from behind the bush. [i]I don’t know what’s wrong with me…