He did his best to show his relief at the fact that she wasn't going to bolt again. He returned her smile and perused the menu once more. Once he had decided he flagged down the waitress and ordered them both what was listed a village salad, knowing the amount of cheese it contained, asking that they add some gyro meat to it. The woman also took their drink order and left them to place their order. Once they were alone again, he folded his hands on the table before him and beamed at her. "I have some good news I've been waiting to share with you." He said it mysteriously and with a grin that showed his pride in what ever it was. "I was accepted to inter for the forensic division." He knew she wasn't as interested in the field as he was, but for some reason he wanted so much for her to be excited for him. Everything was going great. His classes were coming close to an end and all he needed was this internship to complete his training to become a forensic investigator. The thrill of the 'hunt', the idea of using facts and evidence to prove what had happened from a scene that most others could not read, it was something he had dreamed of for a long time. He still had the beaten, battered old paper backs of Sherlock Holmes stories his father had given him as a pre-teen and he still loved to read them, cover to cover when he wasn't chasing his dream or hanging with her.