AAAAAAAH I JUST NOTICED THE CRAZIEST THING!!! [hider=DW spoiler]In Listen, we met a man who was clearly the descendant of Danny... And the implied descendant of Danny [i]and Clara[/i], specifically. But... Danny's dead now, so... that must mean that... Clara is pregnant. O.O That's the only way that descendant could still exist.[/hider] Edit: ADDITIONALLY, [hider=Spoiler]When Clara was flipping out at the Doctor in Dark Water, and he scanned her with the screwdriver and said she was a "big mess of chemicals", I assumed he was referring to PMS. But... looking back on it, it's possible that that's not [i]quite[/i] where those hormones were coming from. o.o [/hider] On an unrelated note, sorry I haven't posted for GM yet despite clearly having the time to post in general. My muse has been elsewhere (no pun intended).