Zuria’s ear flicked in irritation as another growl escaped her stomach, her golden eyes narrowing slightly. Hunger was a horrible thing, especially when it was festering in one’s stomach for a day or two. The Umbreon shook out her fur, annoyed at the moisture that made it hang heavy on her body. She would have to look around more—she couldn’t go without another day of eating. She walked back into the brush, sniffing at the air. The screeching Pidgey had probably alerted the rest of the birds of the area that there was a predator afoot. She should have swatted it out of the air before it could fly out of reach, but she didn’t think that fast. A low growl escaped her lips as she ducked under a low hanging branch, parting her jaws to taste the air. The rain was making it hard to hunt. It washed away the scent of the smaller Pokemon that she could hunt, and the only smell she caught was one of larger creatures. There had been a Mightyena close by, probably hunting a Stantler or Sawsbuck. There was another scent… one that was neither Pokemon nor human. [i]Another Morph?[/i] her jaws clamped shut, and a snarl crossed her face. She had made it clear that this was her territory, and no one else’s. She had scratched the trees, rubbed against bushes and bark, and even stuck arrows deep with the ground. This Morph obviously ignored those signs. Zuria’s ears flattened against her skull as she followed the smell. She heard the screech of a Hoothoot, but then it fell silent—there was no fluttering of its wings to signal that it had fled. Not only was there a Morph in the area, but it was hunting as well. That only made Zuria even angrier. The Umbreon Morph pushed her pace into a trot until she stumbled upon a sitting Luxray with a dead bird in its mouth. Even though the Morph was bigger than her, Zuria rushed out of the brush and lowered her head. [b]”What are you doing in my territory?”[/b] she snarled, making her fur raise up so she could appear bigger. If she could successfully beat the Luxray, then she could take its food. Honestly, she thought this was a fair fight—the Luxray had no moves that could seriously hurt her, like Bug or Fairy Type moves. Then again, Zuria had none that could fatally harm it, either. It was going to be balanced fight, even if the Luxray had high attack. Zuria had speed and defense on her side. Though, the Umbreon was bound to slip up. She [i]was[/i] reckless, after all.