[quote=Stitches] Take my interest; It looks like a good RP to get into the swing of things again! I'd like to reserve an equestrian act, if that's alright. (I'm not too sure of the proper term for it - Equestrian performer? It's a circus show with horses.)I just wonder what the rules are for immortality with the animals - are they also chained to the circus? Can they die, and get sick? Admittedly, it would be a pain in the behind if the horses died every couple of decades and new ones have to be re-trained, not to add the concept of how much that would cost all of the time.And do we get one power, or multiple?Anyway, take my interest, and I eagerly await the OOC! [/quote] I believe that the horses live for more than a couple of decades, but they do grow old, which may be strange considering none of the humans are.