[hider=Adado Flamel]Name: Adado Flamel (Razor) Age: 30 Species: Human Appearance:[img=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130912170708/starwars/images/9/9e/Failed_Jedi_EotE.jpg] Occupation: Ex-Bounty Hunter and Caretaker of Lelila. Jedi Aspect: Guardian Padawan Skills: Adado has learned many ways of fighting, including Mandalorian fighting styles as well as Iridorian and Echani. He is a fair shot with a blaster but prefers to fight up close and personal with his Vibro-blade, giving his opponents a chance. He has training in a great variety of weapons and is able to at least use them if not know all of the nuances of them. Personality: Adado has keen senses due in part to his force sensitivity but honed from years of having to be alert at all times. He is clever, having studied hard and long about a variety of different subjects. When teaching, he is often strict towards Lelila but he believes she can handle it and never goes overboard on it. History: Adado has done as much as he can to erase his past and as such, not too much is known. What is known, however, is that he was born and grew up in a middle class family in an important city on Onderon. He even lived peacefully until he was about 15 years old, but at that point things changed. He lost his parents in the violent civil wars that had broken out over the planet's surface and was now alone and forgotten. While being pursued by soldiers and bounty hunters both, he had to learn to survive in a vicious and cruel world. Eventually being taken on by a ruthless and occasionally violent Bounty Hunter, he learned deadly skills and survival tactics. After a while, he left the Bounty Hunter's side after the man and Adado were sent to murder a child. After the bounty hunter had murdered the girl's parents and Adado had watched, unsure of himself. Though he refused and rescued the child instead. With his skills and fighting skills, he managed to escape his previous employer's contacts with the young girl, Lelila, and conquer all fears and doubts about having done so. He eventually managed to start a new life from the bottom until he met Atton, who taught them both that they were Force sensitive. This has turned him into the man he is today. Equipment/possessions: Blaster pistol, Blaster Rifle and a Vibro Blade with energy cell. He also carries a pendant with a cyan crystal on it, this is a family heirloom and has been with him ever since he left his home planet. He has no idea what it's importance is but he kept it safe until his meeting with Atton. Atton told him about Lightsaber crystals and how he had one around his neck. He will eventually use this in the lightsaber's construction. Force Power(s): Adado has learned the force power of Force Repulse Strengths: Quick thinking and reflexive, Adado has learned to trust his instincts and training. He will always give his opponents a fair fight. Although they have a strong bond, he is able to distance himself from Lelila emotionally. Weaknesses: Is overprotective of Lelila at times and will do anything to rescue the child due to a vow he once made.[/hider] -------------------------------------------------- [hider=Lelila Sarat]Name: Lelila Sarat Age: 16 Species: Human Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/126/6/6/6647589c6c9936691028857c25c92215-d64efen.jpg] Occupation: Padawan Jedi Aspect: Sentinel Padawan Skills: Lelila has learned some fighting skills from Adado, mostly Echani. She knows how to take care of herself in the event that Adado were to die. She has slightly superior senses to Adado but he would never admit it and she is reluctant to mention that she sometimes thinks things or sees things before he does. Personality: Lelila is hospitable, dependable, energetic and perhaps a little too quiet. She is always ready to defend her caretaker, and once she gets to know people she is happy to jump around and act a fool. In some cases she is reclusive and enjoys reading and practising to playing around. Lelila is reluctant also, to say that she might be better than Adado in any area at all, as he has drilled into her mind that practise is the only way she can be good, and she saw him as the epitome of skill in her younger days. History: Lelila was born to a loving family on the planet Coruscant. She lived happily until she was about 8 years old, but at that point everything changed for the worse, she was a studious child and was gaining some small fame in her school as a determined and gifted student, who seemed unusually intuitive to her fellow student's feelings. A rival family with another child in the school, who was also talented yet pushed more by his parents, sent a bounty hunter to remove the threat to their ticket to the main stage of fame and high status. The bounty hunter accepted the job and moved on Lelila's family the week following, after spending time working out their schedule down to a T. It would have been a perfect murder if his apprentice and business partner had not betrayed him, murdered him and taken the child away himself. Her time with Adado was far from what she remembered as a younger child, she had to grow up fast as everything was dangerous and violent and wanted to harm her in Adado's opinion. With everything happening, she still managed to study a lot and even began training with her caretaker in fighting and even basic weapons training. With a great deal of determination, she has taken to Adado's training with vigor and reacts to everything with an open mind. On her 15th birthday, Adado gave her a Vibrodagger and related to her the story of why he had taken her away, the full story. She accepted it, to his surprise and did not kill him although he offered. Lelila managed to forgive him and even began seeing him as a hero and father figure no matter how often he tried to distance himself. When the pair came across Atton, she was unsure at first but practised and researched, finally understanding some things about why she saw odd things or sensed things occasionally. However her first true ability was her attempt at mimicry, copying Adado and learning force push, not Force Repulse. Equipment/possessions: Vibrodagger Force Power(s): Force push Strengths: Lelila is driven and intelligent, she is fairly well trained in Echani arts and has some basic weapons training, she will defend herself if threatened and is also able to fend off opponents larger than herself by using trickery. She will throw off those older and more experienced by using her youth and smarts to bring them down. Weaknesses: Her main flaws are in how she sees Adado. Although she knows he is powerful, she idolises him and sees him as the strongest and smartest, almost infallible. Even when she sees something that he has not, she will not mention it as she believes that he has or that it was just simply unimportant. Moreover, when using her charms to bring down a larger opponent, sometimes she only uses it to buy time as she believes that Adado will always save her life.[/hider]