Ganondorf looked at Vaati for a second, his comment sounding almost insulting. Most Gerudo never had the chance to even leave the desert. It was dangerous and not nearly close to worth the risk. He looked to Dark Link who had offered to scout Castle City for the Hero of Legend. "That sounds like a great plan. Let's all meet up at the front gate at nightfall." He gave the shadow and the mage a greasy smile. "I have some scouting of my own to do. Vaati, would you do me the honor of escorting me? A mage who could sense my presence from so far away is surely a talented one." He knew that Vaati was uncomfortable, but he wanted to keep an eye on him. He still knew so little of either person. If Dark Link was truly here for Ganondorf, then he would return with some information at least. Vaati, on the other hand, claimed only to be curious. Ganondorf was interested to know more of how the boy had sensed him.