Kale walked the battlements of Castle Silverlanding. He was on watch at the moment, keeping an eye out for any enemies that may dare to appear. Tension was high between the two lands as war drew near. It wouldn't be a surprise to find a soldier or two trying to get information on the opposite castle, in order to get a promotion. Kale didn't need to do that, he earned his rank through strength and experience. It was raining but Kale wasn't bothered by it too much, he was more disciplined than that. Besides, he wasn't a mere soldier, he was a full fledged knight. His crimson locks clung to his face and he brushed them out of his eyes so they didn't block his vision. Seeing was kind of important when one was watching for danger. He glanced by his side where his Pokemon partner, and dead brother, Aiden was floating. His twin brother had been badly hurt on a simple patrol when his squad was attacked by a dangerous and powerful Morph. The healers had tried desperately to save him, but his wounds had been too bad. Since then he had developed a dislike for Morphs. Before then he didn't care about them unless they attacked. But now he really wanted the Morph who killed his brother dead. A few weeks after his brother's death, he discovered a Honedge on a patrol. He realized it was his brother, and the two had been fighting together ever since. He had gotten some strange looks from the other knights. But once he told them that his brother still wanted to fight, even after death, they understood. Once a knight, always a knight. Aiden was using his soul sucking cloth to cover himself from the rain. Kale chuckled at this, it was just a funny thing to see. Even though his brother was now a Pokemon, he still did some very human things. Aiden looked at him when he chuckled, and snapped the cloth, throwing the gathered rain water at Kale. Even if it didn't do much, it was still funny. Both of them laughed and then returned their focus to the patrol.