First of all, I take this roleplay very seriously. This idea has been my baby for years and my first Rp's ever were digimon rp's, so this does mean a lot to me. With that said, to all those who wish to join and wish to stick with this til the end through any struggle, I greatly thank you. I have never been able to get this RP off the ground due to people "disappearing", I truly wish to make this into something. Quick Synopsis The year is about 2020, so technology is only slighty ahead of our own. And with the ever growing emphasis on networks and the growing of the internet the digital world is greatly effected by all of this. About a year ago an anonymous hacker created an artificially intelligent virus, this virus consumed data and would target high priority computers. It wreaked havoc on our world and for the first time since its creation their was literally no internet. The UN had forced all service providers across the world to stop the services, this black out lasted nearly 4 months. But after getting back on it's feet people began to act as if nothing had ever happened. And with the digital world being connected to our worldly network, it too suffered massive changes. With the shut down of our net the digital world began decaying, and its inhabitants began throwing themselves into the growing chaos and things soon grew out of control. The situation had stabilized itself once the net began to reconnect, but what was lost, was lost for good. The digital world was in ruins, and what was worse, this virus found a way into the digital world and it began to work its corruption from behind closed doors. The digital world sensing its presence has called out to 5 teenagers, a new set of digidestined to help save the world. This time they would have to locate the source code of the digital world and the digital worlds core in hopes to reset everything. Recreating the world saving it in the process. In order to locate this core we would be required to hunt down what are known as obelisk keys, they each represent a trait(similar to how the crests do). We will be pointed in the direction of the first, only the one it belongs too will be able to find it, this obelisk will then help us find the next one and so on until all 10 are found. Notes I want a variety of digimon so keep it unique. There will not be 2 dragons, or 2 fire utilizing digimon. I do have my own custom digimon that I would allow others to use if they wish. You may also submit your own original digimon, but i will require you to run it by me first and for detailed descriptions to be written up. Im also having to redo this all from scratch so please bare with me. When the guild was reset I lost everything that I had before :( Ill have my cs up hopefully later tonight, but if not it will be up in the morning.(Also just to inform, my digimon will be a ice/bear, and the traits that will represent my character are sincerity and friendship) This rp is bound to be more mature, there will be death and thee will be blood. If you have ideas im open to listen to them so just shoot me a PM Also if you have questions, just ask. CS Appearance:(Picture preferably, but descriptions are fine) Name: Age:(13-18) Gender: Personality:(It can be a paragraph or a list, just give us an idea) Bio: (Lets us know a bit more about the character.) Obelisk Traits:(Choose a trait you think represents your character, then choose one you think your character falls short on that they must change)(These can be crests or similar style traits) Obelisk Gear:( At some point in the rp we are going to get the ability to defend ourselves, trust me, we will need it. Choose a weapon you would like to be granted. Keep it original from the others please. I have the liberty to refuse and suggest alternative weapons) Digivice Color: Other: ----- Digimon:(Rookie Form) Type:(Virus/Vaccine/Data) Personality: Abilities: Digivolutions:(If its custom be sure to include descriptions, Use hiders to hide picture/description and attacks) ~In-Training: ~Rookie: ~Champion: ~Ultimate: ~Mega: