Whether she wanted it or not, he was offering her help. A part of her was grateful, for she didn't have the coordination to make it through the city. But the situation was just bizarre. On the way through the streets, she had expected their final destination to be a hospital. As they made their way into an apartment, it was easy to conclude that this was possibly even his own home - or at least where he decided to sleep when he wasn't working. The very act of the man puzzled her. Who in their right mind dragged a complete stranger to their home? Her body remained tense, even as she lay upon the couch. Memories that she had tried to ignore for the past 21 years tried to crawl their way to the surface of her mind. The last time she had encountered a hunter, she had been the target. The thought spurred anger - which would not benefit her in this situation. She had already been cross with him for saving her life. The very act of refusing to save him had probably already broken the social norms she was supposed to be living by. Perhaps the affects of shock could be the explanation - a rather pathetic explanation. But left alone on the couch, she was allowed to think. The vampire had spoken something before he had turned to dust. She hadn't heard it too well though, not with the pounding in her head. However, she had caught the words "risen again". Which led her on a long path that had her wandering in circles. If the vampire had been talking about her, then why had he bashed her skull against the concrete? Perhaps he had just warned the hunter that Chronos had risen again? Under who's command had it risen? When the vampire hunter returned, she had one question for him, "What was that thing that attacked me?" --- Mark had been lost in thought. He was unsure how he was supposed.to get his task done. It wasn't like he was just going to run into the perfect target. Or at least that seemed most logical. Fate had a different plan in mind as his shoulder collided with someone's. He offered an apology but received none in return. Turning around he stared after the woman who had paid him no mind. His eyes narrowed as he examined her. Slowly he began to follow her, trying to keep enough distance so that he wouldn't be noticed. Mark couldn't believe his luck and began to question whether or not it actually was. There were a few vampires that he knew about but never thought he'd meet. They were on the list of names and faces to know. In fact he had been taught to call upon assistance when encountering such vampires. But he couldn't let this opportunity go. He was following an infamous vampire, or maybe he had miss identified her an was he was wasting his time following an innocent human. So he was crazy, but curiosity drove him on.