I was left shell shocked. Jed's speech has stirred something inside all of us. Murmurs flared up around the room. Then like a slap to the face a shout echoed through the hall. I looked around and there was no source. Everyone looked around confused. Then I noticed a woman near the back with dark brown hair frowing at the ceiling. Looking up I found who had yelled: it was the blond from earlier. Perched on some kind of rafter he was looking down on everyone with a determined expression. I frowned up at him, my mouth making a perfect O as I gawped at him [i] how did you get up there? Why are you there? [/i] "Yeah, I'll help ya too." A ginger said, walking over "Name's Bear... or Callum, I guess. I think the guy's right, a group would be extremely beneficial, teamwork and all that, and bandits would think twice before messin' with us too." Some shook their heads at his words, two others gave their pledge with rephrasings of "I'm in!" A girl with two german shephards was one of them, but she looked skeptical. The other was another blond guy. I realised that blondie 2 was not as loud as the other as spidey boy began ranting. At first he yelled at the people, which was followed by him calling me a mouse. I gritted my teeth [i]you little shit[/i] He was obviously passionate about his argument but I didn't see the point of it. Then the others spoke up as well.