Odessa sat on a rare piece of dry (comparatively dry, anyways) earth, careful to keep her entire body under the makeshift canopy that Blain, the lumbering Abomasnow that served as her traveling companion, made to shield them both from the rain. Rain. Of course it had to rain, and keep raining, the day she decided to make her way back to Glassfield through the Nightshade Forest. She had been warned, but she hadn't expected the rain to last so long. Blain didn't seem to expect it either; otherwise, he'd have tried to stop her. To make matters worse, the rain and darkness obscured the traveler's marks that were set to guide people through the forest. A trip that should have been over in an hour or two stretched until what little was visible of the sun made it clear that night was quickly approaching. As the sky gradually became darker Odessa nudged herself closer to the meager fire that she had made from whatever materials she could scrounge from the immediate area. Blain sat just outside the improvised shelter, seemingly enjoying the cold rain. He had decided to stay outside and scare away any potential attackers. After all, only the foolish or the desperate would dare going toe-to-toe against a seven foot tall Pokemon; both would be easily taken care of. She grabbed her spear from the ground and looked it over. A solid shaft of pseudowood topped off by a wickedly sharp solid steel spearhead. Almost like a hunting spear in design, though lacking the protrusions designed to stop a charging Pokemon. The flickering fire reflected off of the spearhead in an enchanting fashion. She could just stare at the reflection until she... A loud roar interrupted her thoughts. She immediately identified it as Blain, who had already gotten to his feet and assumed a threatening pose. She halfway stood up, gripped her spear tightly, and called out to the Abomasnow. "Hey, everything okay out there?" Blain remained silent for a few moments before giving a dismissive grunt. Must have just been a Ratticate that got too curious. Odessa settled back down. "Glad you're okay. Are you sure you're okay out there?" She asked, but was answered with nothing but a small movement and silence. She grinned and slowly lowered herself to the floor until she was laying on her side, using a small pack as a pillow. She knew that if there was anyone that needed rest, it was Blain, but the old bastard as too stubborn to admit it. All she could do is use the opportunity to rest. She'd have to treat Blain to something nice at Glassfield, maybe a massage at one of their renowned bathhouses. Now that she thought about it, she probably deserved one as well. --- Blain sat outside of the shelter that he had built out of manipulated bark and leaves, the creeping sense of fatigue was hardly felt by his hardy body. He was used to keeping watch of Odessa while she slept, and was damn proud of his job. He had already shooed off several smaller Pokemon with a stern glare, but the Mightyena that he had caught eyeing him gave him a small measure of worry. It wasn't the Mightyena itself that worried him, but rather the attention that he might have brought on them through his roar. Still, it was a problem that would be taken care of when it presented itself. With a low rumble Blain steeled himself for the long night ahead.