People have opinions. People that can't find the roleplays this wish to participate in, nor people to roleplay with thinks the site sucks. I don't personally care. I have good people to roleplay with, and good roleplays. It took tome to find them all. Time I was willing to put in, because frankly, this year has sucked. I know others don't care to spend time searching for good roleplayed. But in The first five minutes of rejoining the guild when this site came up, I found a toleplay that has continued until this day. *shrugs* so maybe those that can't find roleplays just don't want to bother given the sites less then professional appeal. Your loss. I'm tired of seeing things like this. If you don't like it, leave peacefully instead of acting like a child who didn't get a candy bar, ranting and screaming that they didn't get their way. Have some bloody dignity and respext for others who enjoy the site. The guild won't die so long as people are still here.