[quote=Zeropathic] This is where I intend to have him forge a pact with the angel Shamshiel, but I'm wondering how to perform the ritual in question. I also wonder about the gifts I can receive: I intended to give my character an unnaturally long life as well as the power to cure grievous wounds (including his own) and various diseases and other ailments. This seems within the specified scope of abilities, but I'm asking just to be safe. [/quote] Swear a blood oath and offer your life to the angel, and he'll gladly accept your servitude. The abilities you chose are fine. [quote=Lo Pellegrino] I only just came across this Roleplay and am extremely interested. Back in college I studied Judeo-Christian mythology deeply, along with texts since removed, and in all honesty, am a Universalist in reality. I find the old stories both fascinating and revealing when it comes to humanity. I'll be working on a character sheet soon. Generally, I prefer more seasoned individuals who favour stealth and precision. As a lover of Dante, you will likely see a middle-aged follower of Sariel torn between learning more -- risking what's left of his humanity in turn for the secrets of the Writhing Mirror -- and returning to the mortal plains with what he's already discovered. [/quote] Very nice!