Movements! 1 frigate 2 barques, 4 brigs have been sent to collect the Lance Forces, and ferry them in groups to Corustaria, where they will be marched across the Island to the tip of Alswell. Although the force is large, the Corustarian navy believes that the journey is short enough that ferrying them in large groups will be the best option... Ship construction! Master Berry By the authority of the crown, you are hereby commanded to produce the following 5x Brigs (8 billion) 2x Galleys (1.5 billion) 1x Ship of the line (9.6 billion) The appropriate sum of 19.1 billion has been dispatched alongside this message We know that the workers shall not displease us, Master Berry. Assign the construction to appropriate shipyards In service to the Crown Grand Admiral Thorne Messages... [hider=To the Jade] To the most extravagant Jade Corustaria politely requests military access for its forces. It shall be confined to the,far west of your lands and shall take place over a period of several days while we launch an invasion of Parra. We are planning this is coordination with the Lance Empire and we wish to pass through your lands in order to avoid their navy and take them by surprise. They have a relatively small coastline, and while there is no doubt they could be defeated it leaves us at risk of being unable to land enough forces due to part of the navy being away on colonial ventures. In service to the Empire Empress Wight [/hider] [hider=To Iria] The most esteemed Queen Her majesty is unavailable to answer your message, so I will reply in her stead. My agents are merely acting in the interests of two parties, that is any who do not wish to be lynched by the fanatical army that has launched your nation into complete turmoil, and the Corustarian nation. Providing for any refugee's does of course cost money, the deeds are to... Cover our expenses, so to speak. Rest assured that the nation still regards any acquired land as Irian sovereign land and shall pay a tax on any revenue raised as such. They shall continue to regard this land as Irian for so long as the Iria Queendom exists as both a monarchy and an entity completely independent political from a foreign nation. In service to the Crown The Spymaster [/hider] "oops"... In what is being described by some as the "blunder decade given the circumstances" (and others as an attempt to fan the fires of the rebellion), a document has been leaked from the newly established branch office of the "Corustarian Royal Business Ministry" in Argentaurium detailing an evaluation of the Duchy as a "potentially failing" nation. While the Branch office has stated that they were merely in regards to a risk/reward report drawn up to evaluate the wisdom of the investments. The second part to this story is that a second document was leaked, a draft for recruitment contracts for Argentaurium workers to Corustaria's new businesses in the Duchy, which had a rider clause stating: "The crown reserves the right to dismiss employees of brought out businesses at its discretion, whether to provide jobs for her majesty's own subjects or for economic considerations" Any with a working knowledge of Corustaria's political and legal history immediately prior to and after unification will know that this rider clause is long since outdated and was used by Morland in order to prioritize its own people after an influx of Vivian immigrants following a famine. Its existence on the document has been described by the branch office as a poor inside joke given the Duchy's current political climate being reflective of the times the clause was used in Morlabd, and was never meant for the final version or public eyes, as it is now illegal under Corustarian law. Whatever the case, its unlikely that the DIP are in synch with Corustaria's legal affairs.