[quote=Sanki88] Silver Fox, as far as the franchise is concerned the biggest curve balls were seasons 4 and 6. From the sounds of things this will probably be most similar to 1/2, maybe 3/5. 4 had kids become the digimon, and 6(xros wars/fusion) was lets just say odd and a lot of people hated it, I enjoy random changes every now and again, Even if they don't work it shows that they are trying to breath new life into the franchise. There is news of a 7th series on the horizon, set in the same universe as the 1st season( no mention of the 02 characters so it could be a branched AU) with the main characters around 17 years old.I've gathered my knowledge mostly by looking into stuff when trying to find digis to use for other RPs. Plus I've played a good number of digimon video games ,so those help. I'm not trying to step on toes, but I'm more than willing to help with possible line suggestions and such if needed. [/quote] Oh yeah I remember the human turning digimon one xD that was a little amusing. And I didn't think Fusion was toooo bad.. (For like.. The first couple episodes I watched I thought it was alright lol) And already they might be working one the 7th? Wow. But if they do the original cast I might make a effort to watch again. They were all just so lovable xD Well I do remember some original digimon. I remember their digilevels like Fresh: Punimon In-Training: Tsunomon Rookie: Gabumon Champion: Garurumon Ultimate: Weregarurumon Mega: MetalGarurumon Of course digimon like Gabumon can branch out to all sorts of digimon..... And I don't remember every existing ones <.< so I'll probably research a little. Memory of their types is faded now since I haven't played the one only game I do have in such a long time.