[quote=UnlikelyDisguise] ā€œIā€™m looking forward to this time, just alone with you, Victor...ā€[/quote] If he had been eating he would have choked. 'Hide it, hide it , you idiot,' he told himself. Not only did she agree, she said she was looking forward to it. He couldn't believe his ears and almost asked her to say it again. Then he thought about it and grinned. "Oh, oh heavens!" he started dramatically, putting a hand to his chest. "She said yes! I can't believe it! Praise all those above!" While he didn't yell or any such thing, he did act overly surprised and then just chuckled. He loved to joke with her and knew if he hadn't done just what he did or something similar she would have given him that, 'what's wrong with you?' look. He had always felt like a bit of a goof around girls/women. With her, it was different. He had dated, sure, but he either grossed them out with his 'shop' talk or they had wanted him to be more serious, about the relationship, conversation.... Life. That wasn't him. Yes, he was fascinated by those things involved with forensics. He was prone to read books about murder, serial killers, death and such. One girl had a serious issue with his number one love, Sherlock Holmes novels. While she was reading her romance novels and wanted him to listen (and emulate) the torrid stories she loved, he would be chest deep in one of his books that she would bash because he wasn't listening to her. Now, romance had it's place, but he was not into the traditional idea of it. He needed a woman who was smart, someone he could talk to about what fascinated him and he had found that in this creature before him. Beauty and brains, he had to smile at the thought. Were others had looked shocked or disgust, she had responded with witty remarks and in depth ideas. She was mysterious, as well and he welcomed that.... At least to a degree. He wanted more and was willing to let her make up her mind. After all, he had no idea of what might be causing her to be so aloof. He thought, maybe she had been hurt, or her heart had been broken. He only hoped that she had never had to endure what some seemingly 'broken' women he had met went through at some point in their lives. She would share, he believed, in her own time.