[u]Timeline:[/u] [b]The Aestromachy[/b]: 222 to 221 years ago [i]The young god Consenarius, also known as Justin Magnus, overthrows the Old Pantheon and establishes himself as sole god. Many empires and kingdoms in the West convert to Justinianism, a monotheistic, moralistic civic religion based on Justin Magnus' writings and commandments. Justianism takes a number of different forms in the many places it is practiced, but all Justinian cults generally disdain magic. Justinian states tend to be communitarian, authoritarian, militaristic and legalistic. The ancient goddess Yuwan is the only deity of the old pantheon to survive Consenarius' revolt. Many remain devoted to her, most notably the city-states of the Drathan League in the deserts of the Far East. The holy city of Yuwanopolis is founded in the Avanagashan Desert by the rulers of the Drathan League, the Congress of Masters. Yuwanist worship takes innumerable forms, and on the popular level is generally a cocktail of animism, witchcraft and crude gnosticism. More 'enlightened' forms of Yuwanism value unfettered inquiry, the power of the 'enlightened' over the ignorant, political cunning, and arcane secrets. Given Yuwanism's lack of much ethical content, Yuwanist states have widely varied structures.[/i] [b]Magisters' War[/b] : 220-218 years ago [i]WIP, (formation of the Drathan Union)[/i] [b]First Arachno-Mage War[/b]: 210 years ago [i](Ankhanaszka vs Union)[/i] [b]War In Heaven[/b]: 221 to 180 years ago [i](Red Pantheon vs Jmag)[/i] [b]Kindred War/Twenty Years War[/b]: 210 to 190 years ago [i](Wyverncourt vs Elderweiss)[/i] [b]*Sacrilege War Part I/Darkness Emerges[/b] 200 years ago [i]WIP[/i] [b]Second Arachno-Mage War:[/b] 200 years ago [i](Ankhanaszka vs Union)[/i] [b]*Sacrilege War Part II/War of the First Grand Alliance:[/b] 190 to 175 years ago [i](Many nations vs Darkness)[/i] [b]War of the Triple Alliance:[/b] 155 Years Ago (Ankhanaszka/Selcis vs Antelance/Caador/Steel Mountains) [b]War of the Passage:[/b] 151 Years Ago [i](Antelance vs Steel Mountains)[/i] [b]The Great Meaningless War:[/b] 150-149 years ago [i](Guigatan/Ankhanaszka/Selcis/Wyverncourt vs Caador/Steel Mountains/Antelance/Union)[/i]