[b]Fang[/b] Fang flinched at the sound of a roar, then cursed to herself, hoping she hadn't given her position away. Who was the idiot who had decided to piss of an Abomasnow?!?! [b]John[/b] John froze in his charge, and stared at the rambling guy in the robe. He had no idea what the guy was talking about, only that he wanted to stop the fight. Well then, that simply would not do. "Oi Crazy, go preach your rubbish elsewhere, I'm trying to apprehend an assassin here, in the name of his Lord. . . um, the royal brother with the Ho-oh." That usually made people back off, and if this guy didn't, then he would get the old 'Smash and Bash' as well. He focused all of his attention on the priest guy, knowing Axia wouldn't let the Morph get the drop on him, but he also made a signal with his hands, telling Axia to use [b]Dragon Dance[/b] again.