Several people began to speak up. The two most noticeable were the blond parcours-guy and the brownbearded vet. I didn't quite know what to think of the parcours-guy. One side of me, admired his ability to climb that high, the other part was really annoyed by his attention seeking behavior. Climbing up to the ceiling and then shouting downwards? I decided not to pay any attention to him, not at the moment. The vet on the other hand posed some interesting questions. Well, interesting in the long run at least. Having the right tools is essential in any situation. Now, however, I was most interested in how we would provide food and shelter... I was getting hungry, and I had enough of sleeping in bushes. Some more people started talking and shouting, but very few of them asked the correct questions. At least, to my opinion. They were all concerned about what if this happens, what if that happens. But then again, maybe the important questions were lost to me because I couldn't hear them over the ruckus. "If I may," I tried, but no-one really payed any attention to it. Dear cockamamies, I'd probably had to shout for the crowds to hear me. As much as I hated it, it was time for some drastic measures. I climbed on a table and hit it a few times with my walking stick. [i]Now who's attention seeking now, Gandalf[/i] a small voice said to me. I decided to ignore it. "If I may," I tried again, louder this time. The sound of my voice combined with the butting on the table seemed to be able to silence most of the people this time. "Ahem, yes. Well, as my dear brownbeard fellow -terribly sorry for the bad nickname, but I don't know your real one- has already stated, we should be making some plans first. Perhaps if we could start by deciding who would actually be interested in joining this endeavor and gathering them, that would be a good beginning. We should probably also make a list of skills these people have, and the equipment they brought with them. I'm quite sure we could use one of the buildings in town as a temporary shelter, until we've established who's who and what's what." As I finished, an odd silence fell over the group, as if expecting more. "Anyway, ehm, that's my two cents. Please continue." I stepped down and went back to my place near the door, watching as the rest of the debate unfolded.