[b]Check OOC![/b] [u]Teri[/u] A dark haired boy who was obviously listening to music pulled out his earphone and voiced his allegiance, then a man with a rather impressive beard stood up and talked. Unlike Jed, this man talked about what needed to be done and less about emotion. He talked about the needs of a farm, first aiding, vaccinations, supplying electricity, and a prison. As he was talking the first thing that came to mind was one of those African tribes we studied in history. When I was 9 and my parents were still around we visited relatives in Lesoto (South Africa) and lived with a tribe for the week. Despite the obvious racial differences the tribe accepted my dad's uncle Bill completely and he took to repairing shacks, making furniture, and plumbing. While I was there I cut my leg pretty badly and the locals jumped on me and carried me to the shaman. I was terrified and kicked and screamed thinking they were going to perform some ritual on me, then it turned out the shaman was a fully qualified doctor that studied and everything. The scar healed nicely and six months later there was no evidence to my injury. This man then demanded a full plan out of Jed, although he tried to hide, I could see Jed getting more and more edgy. Then another blonde stood up, he suggested a list which Jed obviously though of as well as he walked over and pulled a book and pen out of the counter behind me. He handed it to me to write down my name and skills: [i]Teri [*]Dog and horse care[/*] [*]Can drive[/*] [*]First aid[/*] [*]Basic plant farming knowledge[/*] [*]Can build fences[/*] [*]Basic knowledge on clothing production[/*] [/i] Then passed the book onto the nearest person: a ginger boy who also began to talk, promoting the debate or something. For a moment I wondered if anyone could read my handwriting, it's been months since I held a pen, but watching others write neither have they. I thought on the african tribe idea while the others spoke. Then I decided to speak up, someone else was going on about something and there were murmurs flying. At least the people were talking now. I waited for the current speaker to finish then in their moment of silence I struck "well what about a tribe?" people stopped and looked at me [i]bulls eye[/i] then I realised this would mean people were watching me. Suddenly I turned cherry red and became flustered and self concious. Embarrassed I cleared my throat "well what about we form a tribe, like in Africa, with people allocated to oversee various things. We could have a chief, a doctor, a chef, hunters, herders, clothing makers. We have the advantage of a town's worth of resources. We can have a woodcutter to chop down trees during the day, and guards against predators. And once we have a strong foothold we can venture out and look for others." People wanted to talk, but I wasn't finished. My next statement was making me extra embarrassed, "and uhm.. someone to look after children and stuff." Many were confused and then it hit... we would need children at some point. Not really to repopulate but more to look after us when we could not care for ourselves.